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Show DEPOSITORS OPPOSING mm Request of Merchants Bank Receiver to Meet With Objection; Fees Said to Be Too High By Ira CTichenor V lUOKOUO opposition, it is tided, will be made in court by interests working in behalf of the depositors of the defimet Merchants bank against a request of tlve rwtivfr for an order for the iiayment of an amount Mid to be M000 for clerical hln Various ground. It Is stated, wilt be presented aa arjtumanta aaalnnt the exantlnr f aurh an order. Pleaa of enceaslv r em. It la stated, will be marit . Aniit'i- nHertlnn, It Is reported, will T5TTi aTHTTTTirn 1 1 e (Tc o a Tv fl h "receiver "re-ceiver for rl .(ral work Includea the salary at $171- per month of the relative rela-tive f one of te directors snd who la a drfend'inv in a suit recently brought for Hi - rollet-ttnn of a note of wtrrh he 1 (tie indoraer. TO Ot'TEB OBJECTIONS. Thr ieiition for the order for the paymmt of the ccM of clerical hire was t have been heard Friday, but tha hearing wad ? ostpnned until this week when rf!"r:iyn representing de-iwiaiiit de-iwiaiiit ' w I hi . will, it Is stated; app-K : i i ;t anil offer objectiona. No vb, in t., it Is stated, were raised to ft ourt order for the pay-i pay-i mrnta by the receiver of f 1000 to himself him-self and an addltlonul $10U0 for counsel coun-sel fees, and that none would be mnde to a further request for $1M) mora for the receiver and $1500 additional attorney's fees. For some time there have been In dicatlona of a storm of greater or lens intensity brewing in connection with the bank's affttire, aa relntlng to tha interests of the depositors, and It is declared that it would not be surprising surpris-ing if this st'irm should break when the receiver's petition Is given a hearing hear-ing this week, especially If witnesses are exsmlnd. Th grand Jury has completed tha first week of Its deliberations and. taking Into consideration the number of witnesrtea examined, tha Jury la believed to hive progressed to a fna-lerlal fna-lerlal extent rn He work; eapeclalty of Investigating the affairs of the Merchants bank, for which purpose it was primarily called Into existence. OVERFIELD MENTIONED, j It Is known that several Important personages were examined by the Jury during the pHst week. Ona of these not Heretofore mentioned waa C. 1. nverfii'ld,- one of the stockholders of the bunk, find who also la reported to have had several thousand dollars on deposit when the institution waa cloaed by the bank examiner. Mr. OverfleUl waa one of the orlgK nab stockholders of the bank and remained re-mained financially interested In tha Institution In-stitution throughout Its history of nearly ten years, and as a result he iii supposed to have been In a position, posi-tion, if he waa called upon by the grand jury, to testify In auch a re-1 n,i, au "iniwij i'l 1 1 ID IMiilH. Also, Mr. Overfield has been one of the moat active of th stockholders tn . efforts to rehabilitate the bank, and ' thereby protect the interesta of the depositors aa well aa the stockholders. Among the witnesses thus far examined, ex-amined, as previously staled, was former Governor William Spry, who No was one of ths original stockhold-; stockhold-; era of tha bank. |