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Show ) AMATEUR TALK I BTOZIYnTZPATRICK The Ore niggers fronl the Golden School of Mines have the JtMl Colo rado grid title nearly cinched and It seems a safe bet that the Miners will trim the Boulder and Aggie elevens In their next battles. Coach Barron's men have already won from Denver. Teachers' college, and Colorado college, and In each battle the Miners have hda things their own way. - The annuil Deseret gymnasium marathon, which la usually held on New Year's1 day, will probably be called off, as most of the boys are not around Halt Lake, Three of rtsh's best run-hers run-hers Ted Johnson,-AI Warden and Mel Freehalrn are planning; to enter the sixteen-mile marathon on the coast. This race will be run over the automobile auto-mobile race from lxs Angeles to Venice on New Year's day. Athletics In Logan should pepier u a little In the near future, aa soon aa the boya get out of quarantine and Joe J e.nson gets atarted. Joe will have charge of the activities at the Agricultural Agri-cultural college and Coach Knapp will be back on the Job at the tirigham Young college. Homer Chrixtenaen, athletic coah of the Htnghum tliah school snd a brother broth-er of Jack Chnstensen, nthlctle c.wich el iha IIiwimIi A. ' at Cedsi t'Hj. ip ports that Jack is back on the Job again down south, and the coaches of the high school teams farther north expect to prepare for Jack's team. The B, A. L boj have been in 1 most of the tournaments in the pant snd have usually won the state title. Milton Romnty, the at ra ppy little leader of the Kast Hide Leopards last season, is a lieutenant In the t. A. T. C. now and divides his time between Ottawa and Butter universities In Kansas. Kan-sas. Mit says he Is more than anxious anx-ious to get back to school and will probably finish his education at Utah, unless his commander. V rc Hater, persuades per-suades htm to go to Chicago university. univer-sity. The Commercial Basketball league will probably be organised after a few weeks by one of the local stores. Bobby Richardson of the Ieseret gymnasium gym-nasium Is more than willing to do his share In the work snd a meeting of ! the managers will be called soon. f Chester Grimmett. well known local athletic booMer and manager of the : A. (J. Hpalding store st Oakland, has fought the Spanish influents to a standstill and ts on the road to recovery. |