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Show ! Reception to Wilson Will Be Greatest Ever Given a I uaest; lintisth FaperSays By Aaaociated Praa. i r . . LONDON, Not. tS. "Prldnt Wllaon will rrlv th. aratwt rr.p-liun rr.p-liun we i vr ava any icuaL No proffrraa any tmpcmr avar mad. will aqual hla." aaya tha Ohrrvtr In an artlola dlacuaaln coming vlalt of tha prralrtnt to Knfclnnd. It al1a: "Wa rejoice that an event w. hava ao ursentlx advocated la now asaured." Tha pertatnr. dlaruaalnu the airtifert of the freedom of th. aeaa, aaya: There Is a profound rontraat between America, whk-h la a aolld continental conti-nental unit, and the liritlxh empire, whk-h la eaaentlally a, marltlm ayatem. Hhlpplnir and the naval meana for guarding- It eorreapond to th. tranaoontinental rallwaya which link the I'nlied Rtatea from ocean to ocean and to Ihe International police required for iruardlnir them. If thla one fundamental dlveralty between the poalttona of the two counlrlea and their aourcea of life la (traeped there can be no eitrem. difficulty In adjusting imlnta of view on all matlera." |