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Show l ROBA7K NO OUAnOIANIHII NOTCH. C en en it eeuhty clerk er fhe reepecrv lgnr tor further InforinacioK. IS THFI UIHTRICT OU'RT, PROBATE 1 division. In and for Halt leak cminiy. , iiate of Utah, lit the mailer of Hie all of liiiirai.,T- JuiaWliLw,. S'oltce: The petition of John Bilbao, prnylng f or j the iMUinc lo himself or letter of ad-rrtmietratlon ad-rrtmietratlon In I tie Mtal of -Joe Men-1 ' lea. rtecea.M, hfl ben e for hex ring . i v.i OWIaj. ihe Z'1 h day. of November. aW 4 r. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the count v courthouse, ' In the courtroom of 1 j'd court, m 8 It l.uke City, Unit Ltk ! ifintv. t'Tah. Afitnee the clerk of ld court, with 'he eel thereof jfflt.d, this li Hi day of. Nnv-mkr, A. V. H".ili TH iS HOMKR, Clerk. ' Hy M Knell. Iicputy Clerk. ileon Mt'r(liy, Atiorney for Petl- j tioner. i lit the ritnct-Court. I'roVale TiviKlon, M and for Salt l-k Cuuniy, Hlale of lt..h in the mutter, of the flute of Louie Th petition, of Jtwph IV in. Taylor. pn.ynig for the iimiatu-e to himelf of I lttsrjs of adininiatrHllon In lh tate of Itmu t M iller. tieceet. ha leii set for hearing on Frlln, the th da of I-e- moil l x v- A I U.!' ' 1?, a t w o o'cl- k r. in.. t te cotniiy ct Mirt hou"-. In i lie court -ronni of funj t-durt in Malt iJik City, Bull -luke county, I'lnh. V iiiieH- i he clerk of nid court, with the Ren I thereof nfflxed. this Ifcth day of November. A I . 1!MV i Heal l TIH iK. HOMKR. Clerk. B M. M. St:ell. IVputy Clerk. A. V. Tiylor. Attorney for Petitioner. |