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Show Eiiiiiiiu!l. CHAPTER LXVII. I Am te Quote Mother Goose Rhyme. a Cose Massage. 'Thousanda of Uvea may depend upon your eucceae, my dear, said Daddy ! printer as he took my arm and led me I to hla favorite corner of the eunroom. "Tour trip haa to do with our chemicals, chemi-cals, of course. We're up against rotten rot-ten luck with this shipment. We aent a cargo Kaat. but we found a bomb In the hold of our boat. We moved the ship to a port fifty miles sway, and aha waa aunk at the dock. Now we've got a new ahip at a new point of diarture. It'a a long way from New York, my dear you'd better not know where. Ws don't 1 want to trust the new plan t wire. ! phone or mall. Hut. If you can carry my iiiessage to lite right lrtv that hlamed juice will be alipped aboard, and the aiiln will make her getaway and maybe 1 can get a night's sleep before long." I followed laddy'a words with tense Interest and, I hoped, with understand- , trig I asked "Then, It isn't losing the cargo which bothers you ao much. Iaddy? You want to get tt out to sea. where it can't knock up the continent If ierman api should apot It?" "That's the grand Idea. m ch'ld. By the wav. have ou bean around the office lately V "No. taddy Chrye "td "he couldn't bother with me this te-k1" 'Vhrys Is all right.'' Iaddy am tied hla approval. "You must not be recognised as a Ixrlmer employe. If you meet anyone any-one you know on the t rain - eay you are going to New York to buy clothes!" "Me go Kaat lo buy fro'ka In war- -iws7 I d he a"liswir. twM't l.ui inigi ! I rn going to - the tomimttee of tli A. H. F. H Permanent Hlind Itelief Vr Fundi loesn't that sound better?" "It certainly doea. my dear. That's a great Idea. And If you dun't botch this bus' J 11 and vr war relief a check for ft i oof' "Ifetddy. o might Juat as well make out that chek right now. I'll take it along. It will show why I'm going Kaat If I need proof. When do I start?" 'Iav erter tomorrow on No. . You will put up at the new hotel what'a Its name'.' Vicior! In lite afternoon a man will phone and ask you to tea. You will acre pi. er the tunic, he will hand you one of my caris mate to thia and on II w ill 1 sir ib Wed in my handwriting. Where do we go from here?' " "laduy. ou'ie joking! Vo? Then what am I to reply to auch nonsense?" "XuUuirg:Bts.iL hard tu r"ie'"'r. y detir." - I 'idi v chu'k led, however, aa If It were a great ke. - "It's easy; but, remember, don't twist It. If ou don't keep it eirnight, half a slate may go up In dust V "Honestly, I feel sure of myself." I said eagerly. "And the rnrsita;e la f "Mary hd a little kimb:" "Oh. Paddy" sly lone was a wail of! reproach. I thought he waa teasing me, , and I was on the verge of tears. "Iesr rhlld." he said o,uite solemnly, I "can't you pe th.it noliod. especially no ! rianged Teuton spv. would eer suspect i that the world famous J.ortmer company ; would put a great secret about the trans- portatton of war ammunition Into a Mother ;oose rhyme?" (To be continued.) (Copyrla;htr-rt. by the Newspaper Ktt terprtse Association ) |