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Show FUNERAL TODAY FOR MRS. MARY STEPHENS Spaclal Dispatch. OGDEN, Nor. 25. Mra. Mary Klleti Pincwk Stephen. wlf of Rolomon C. 8tphena. died ISnturday nt th family fam-ily rosjidence at Oden, foil owl njr an attack of pneumonia. 8h wan bom In Ht. Ioul. Mo., November S, 181, and came to C-gden In It 52. Hh was the daughter of the late John and I bell a IMnrock and la survived sur-vived by the folU.wIng brothers and slaters: John E. IMncock. .Inme Pin-cock. Pin-cock. Georeje A. Pincook, all of Hugar city. Idaho: Lottie Gamer and Vilate Woodmanaee of Kexburfr. Idaho; Mrs. Isabella Torha, Charlea 1 'In rock. Rich- , ard I'lncock and Wealthy Pincook, nil , of Ogden, and by her husbahd, Holo- j mnn C. 8tphena. and the following ! children: Lottie M., Ruby. Pearl, H. Clinton and John P. Htephena, and Mrs. Belle Co I man. all of Ogden; Mm. Jennetta 6. Ritrker of Halt Iake and William P. Stephens, tn the aerial service ser-vice of the Cnlted Htates government ,at Tours, France. The funernl cortege will leave the residence this afternoon for the Moun-tln Moun-tln View remetery, whre the Interment Inter-ment will take fitace. The funeral |