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Show m BEtil C0I,'P1!ED i Scientific Invettigation Prove Beyond Question That Di X ease Germ Can Be Destroyed by Over-Oxidization as I Well as by Direct Poison New Discovery Creates ij Wide-Spread Interest. NO DISCOVERY in the field of medicine within the rast yei( perhaps, has created such wide-spread interest and discussion as i the announcement that a new preventive treatment for Spanish influenza had been found. The new treatment is called Wilson's Solution or Antl-Fltt. and is tha dls- ovary of Prof. Robert C. Wilson, 1 ' head of tha Department of Pharmacy of ona of tha largest universities In ths country. Leading physicians, specialists and bacteriologists give tha preparation unqualified endoraement after-submitting It to . the moat exhaustive teats. The solution la composed of soma of tha most powerful anti- j ; aeptics and germ Ir idea known to scl- j ' , enoa and experimental teats show that ona of the Ingredlenta Is ten j times as powerful aa carbolic acid, although tha preparation Is harmless when used according to directions. To many thle would appear impossible, impos-sible, but It Is a well-known fart that Daktn's Holutlon, which haa been used so extensively In tha war hospital, la fifty times as powerful as mercury, j Tha above statement, therefore, seems mild by comparison. direct poiaon when used as a spraying solution. When uaed as a spraying solution It covers the mucous membrane lining lin-ing of the noae and throat with .an oily coating eaturated with thle powerful pow-erful antiseptic and Tt la Indira ted that when ' the germs are Inhaled they come In contact with tha solution solu-tion a rrd are- thtr dewtroyed. It la believed that spraying the noaa and throat night and morning. In addition ad-dition to Inhaling the fumea of the aolutlon at frequent Intervals during the day. will give complete Immunity. It la alao Indicated that bad cnlda. tonatlltla, sore throat and the ordi-nary ordi-nary forms of grippe and other dla-eaeea dla-eaeea contracted by way of tha noae and throat, can be prevented by ualng Wilaon'a Solution In tha above manner. man-ner. On aero tin of Its powerful antiseptic anti-septic and disinfecting properties It can be used for practically all pur-poeea pur-poeea where antlaept ire are required. I germs In tha noaa and throat and bronchial tubes can be deatroyed by ' ths powerful vapors from his solution by merely Inhaling tha fumea from few drops on tha handkerchief. Tha fact that tens of thousands have Vpparently received Immunity frt.m 'Jie disease after ualng Wilaon'a f4olu-on f4olu-on seams to support this theory. Scientific InVeatlgatlon haa shown tvond peradventura of s doubt that , rms and bacteria can be destroyed t rar-oxldlsatlon as wall as by dl-rn dl-rn poison. It Is Indicated that Wll- Polutlon does both; and It la 'If. Wilaon'a theory that tha germa i killed by over-oxldtsation when t s fumea are Inhaled sufficiently f'4 tha handkerchief or otherwise, A that It deetroys tha germs by - saaaMM una m t most mTnuTrrp Trrnj nrnff remedy. Although It was placed on the market mar-ket only a few weeks ago. the suc-ceaa suc-ceaa the preparation has achieved is truly phenomenal. It Is now being manufactured at tha rate of fort y- thr Ihn.ifmnil hott-f dully, bllt PV.-n this amount has not been auffh ient so far to supply the i.iptdly Increasing Increas-ing demand. Wilson's Rolutlon Is alao known as Antl-Klu, and la sold by all druggists. drug-gists. A thirty-flve-rent bottle la sufficient for a week's treatment. Csutlon: Read directions on the liibel carefully, as tha Holutlon Is highly conrentrated and must be properly diluted. Hmlth-Paus Drug Co., wholesale whole-sale distributors for this section. ; (Adv.) |