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Show I SPOKES through mm Th Greb-Tunnev match acheduted for May la neat thing to a heavvwelght champlonahlp bout. Tha big fellow al-waa al-waa draw l.lttla men put up a faat. clever exhibition of noting, but the "ao k" lin t there. They make a pret-tv pret-tv picture, but they lack the big "bam" that Hfta the apectatora off their aeats Htid mukea them feel every punch. There's nulhtng a we-lnaplrlnr In their work. A JeffrUa, a Fltaalmmon. Dempaey, Wlllanl, laanKft.nl. any of the Idg fallows fal-lows with the wallop. ulwaa kept ua gnnping for brtalh In aympalliy wllh tha! i f.-llow taking It. I It ma be the ravo man In ua that ! make u tako Joy In llie apectacle of 1 I two ring behemoth. Taxlilng together 1 and landing ininhty wnt-Juat plain atavletu. Hut tf there wiian't a bit of the cave man eptrlt left In thae day of prohibition, pro-hibition, rt-f orm-for-the-money -t hat - In-lt and all Of that sort of Jolly old rot, tha world would h a dull plac to Uva In. C&rp May Come Back to U. S. Tha winner of tha Tunney-fireh wattla may attract t'arpentler over for another American trip. And George aKilnal either of them won lie be a dandy match, t'arpt ntter. In hla weight claaa, ta a mm-derful mm-derful ring man. I H-in pee y wan lt.v big for him, but agalnat tirt-b or Tutmey the fllng Frenchman would put up a ecntp worth croauig the country to nee. holding any official poettlon down rrlnca-ton rrlnca-ton way his fighting roar will Jaix up Tiger tea.ni a for many years to coma. I'rlnceton wouldn't be I'rlnceton without big Bin. Great Golfers To Tour China Walter llagan and Jo Klrkwood will tour rblna on their trip around tha world, and tr ' to dig up soma dope on that Chink atory that golf waa Invented In China four thousand year ago. They may come bark wllh n Bet of Chinese golf cluba, which will, of course. b promptly barr-d by the golf moexula as an Innovation not sanctioned at Hr. Andrews and not approved by the llriilah. Charles Ledoux Back Again ; Charles Idou-t. the fighting French-I French-I man. refuses to be kept out of the cham-i cham-i pionshlps. A couple of months ago Le-dou Le-dou was to.p.d by Kugene Criiul, French featherweight champion of Europe. Eu-rope. Thla looked like the end of a long career. I.eduux fought Kid Williams for the world iKtntam champlnttahtp long before the war. w aa a French soldier In active service, for four years, and has been flghtttig In the ring ever stnee. Hut you can't kep a good man down, ledoux la on top aicnln through winning th.i Hrli- i leh betntamwelKht championship bv out- I pointing Tom llarriaon In Fifteen rounds. Another K iropean note sav that Horn- hardier Well has come out of retire- ' ment, knocking out Alfred J.loyd, the Australian heavyweight. In ten round. Thla must have been another cruel blow to Iernpaey. Kngltsh promoters wanted htm to meet three men, I.loyd among them. In one avenlng. Rut perhaps th Bombardier haa coma back Just In time to take Lloyd's puu-e. Wells always has been the hard luck kid. Wilson May Fight Again Johnny Wilson la going to meet some middleweight at the stockvard. From what we know of Wileon's record that Just whirr he ought to get a )oh. , Copyright, 19:2, by the Bell Hyndlcat. ! Inc.) Greb Really After Champ Oeorge Kngel, who manajrea (Ireb, savg that inithlng short of an earthquake or a cyclone can keep Harry from winning. "Anil after thai within threa or four months," says George, '"you're going to see tireb In the ring with lH'mpsoy. i.reb has oti Idea fixed In hla head. It's that he can whip Iempy over any route from fifteen rounds up or a shorter route If Jack Instate on It. He has helptd JVmpsty train aeveral times, and ho knows every move lrmpsy makes. I em pa y never has tteeti able to hold t ii eh off, and he couldn't do It In a right The way to beat Pe-mphey,' tlreb says. 'Is to keep him on hie heels. Don t let him set for x punch. Htay on top of him and never stp bitting, and he can't do a thing. ' "If t.rei gets on with iVmpsey the world la going to see the busteat fifteen rounds, if it goes that fir, ever pulled oft In a ring." Jock Safe For a While Jnck Hutchison gas's he hopes the golf rule makers won t bar high collars aa well as fancy clubs. Jock wears a high collar that dig Into his neck, sa It keciw his head In tha bst position to play his shots. No danger of collars being bnnred, however. how-ever. There Isn't any rival manufacturers' manufactur-ers' lobby to work agiUnat them. "Big Bill" Edwards Retires Bis; BUI Kdwsrde oftict. retirement from .Pr.nceton'a football advisory board won't keep Big Hill from going down to I'rlnceton every year and showing tha hove a few gouid old tlma football points. Hlg BlU was a corking player when he captained a championship Tiger team twenty year or so ago. Iurlng lha past twenty years his duties s New York st r ret commissioner, " collector of the port and Income tax collects, and hla law office, never have kspt him away from Princeton. Big Bill's fighting talk lo the team on the rally night b-for a big game has often sent the Tigers out to down Tale or Harvard, It has been one of the feature fea-ture of everv training ean for tw-n-1 ly tfra. And een U liig lilll Isn't |