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Show allsts and ha expects to go tn Angora to ph-ad the cause of the American With MuatApha Kemal 1'aaha personally. personal-ly. He Interviewed the American hlrh commissioner and tho consul general yesterday, obtaining promise of their fullest unofficial support. 'Negotiations Opened On Behalf of Americans CONSTANTINOPLE, May 16 (By A. p.) Negotiation with the Turkish nationalist government on behalf of the American In Anatolia have been I opened by .Major I). O. O. Arnold, formerly for-merly director of the American commit - ! tee for relief in the Near Kaat. He represents fifty Americans whose wives and families are unable to leave Anatolia Ana-tolia owing to Mustapha Kemal Pasha's restriction against persona of Armenian Arme-nian or Greek descent. Major Arnold's task In complicated by th fact that th United States has no dtplamtic relations wlthjh nation- |