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Show POSTOFFICES MAKE PLANT INSPECTION t'tah broke Into print In the dally postal eervlce bulletin today In an announcement an-nouncement that the atata haa estab-Itahed estab-Itahed plaoea for the terminal Inapec-tlun Inapec-tlun of planta and plant produrta under the United Htatee poetal reulatlona. . All poatmaatera are Informed that packaKea containing planta or plant producta addreeaed to point. In I'tah may be accepted for maUInn only when plalnlyNmarkad so that the contenta I may be readily ascertained by an Inspection In-spection from the outalde. Kallura td mark property, la punishable by a fine or not more thaa $100. The notice ataiee that Inspection eervlce will he maintained at Hrlgham City. Delta, FarmlnjttBp, Heber. Ix.an. Ogden, lrlce, Provo and.Halt Lake. |