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Show i ELECTRIC WIRING BLAMED FOR FIRE MI'HIIA Y, May 1 Fire of sn tinknown ' onirin seriously damaaed tha residence at r.9 Vine street, oe.-upi.r hv eorK in - i er Hunday rfiornlna Althouah Mr. (tranter (trant-er whs In the house, which is a two-storv I ' structure, at the time, the fire hnd trained ! considerable- headway when noticett lam-iiKr) lam-iiKr) amouutlnic to more than SA'Hi whs rtone (o the bulldins; and lrnlBhlna Tha ' theory lhat the flume started from sparks I , from t he eh I ninny wms obviated, due to the fitct that flre in all the stove In the housfi tool been eitlnariiishrd f"r moie ithsn two hours whi n the flames Were first I noticed Members of ihr fire department eipressed the opinion that th fire Started Start-ed from defe.-tive electric wlrlna. The resdem-a at Mi! rUst Forty-fifth Houth street, occupied by Harold K rick son, wis damuTrvl to the extent of $Zft by a roof fire, which occurred Monday afternoon after-noon (X;IKN. May IC Oeoraja Theobald haa been appointed motorcycle officer by Hherlff It. l I'irtcock , The Appointment wss announced yesterday. Tha new officer of-ficer t erin his duties at once. He will patrol ojeden canyon. North Ufden road and the Klverdale-Hoy road. |