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Show TWO SUSPECTS RATED CLEVER SAFE BUHNERS . . a Police Arrest Man Identified at Burglar Who Escaped From Lo Angeles Officers V on April 21. OFFICERS FIND FUSE AND BURGLAR TOOLS Pair Capable of Clever Disguises Dis-guises Declared Leaders in Yeggmen Fraternity; Attempt to Buy Powder With the arrest today of' Have Hall, alias Harry Prouty. and Kdward K. Ray, tlm police believe that they have uncovered tha lendcra of it gang of aufe robbers which wna planning to operate op-erate here on a hlg acala. Hall waa quickly Identified by Detectlva George f'haae ii a burglar who escaped from sheriff" dcpuliea In Los Angelea on April :i. while ha waa being taken to Ban Qucntln prison to aerva a long term. Th arrest of the pair wna made- by TxMectlves I .ester Wire and .lack Filbert Fil-bert t a' local ronmlna; house. The officers discovered about fifty feet of fuse, several btirptlar tools and keya In their possession. According to the officers. Hall and Ray made an at- ; mpt to purchase a large quantity of powder yesterday, I Hnth are sntd to have been adepts In the nrl of (IIsruIso. In their room the offtrrrs found paint, powder and other makeup materlaj. At one time the men wero seen on the street attired at-tired as lnhorers In overalls and dlns;y shirts. The same nlRht they appeared In r different fadul makeup, dresned In the hHftht of fashion and wearing tnrtoin hell RlaMSfts Hay In y. ars of age, while Hall Is 12. Both are pleasant appearing younsr men of icoorl education. Hall's escape from the officers Is said to have occurred at or near FYesno. Cat, and to have been highly apectacular and daring. In the circular sent out by William I. Tnieger. sheriff, Hal is described as being desperate and officers of-ficers are warned not to take any chances. Ray's past record ta under Investigation. Both deny that they had any knowledge of the burglar outfits. out-fits. I'routy denies that his right name Is Hall, but detectives say that there j ran tie no mistake In the fingerprint Identification. |