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Show COMMERCIAL CLUB PROTESTS DUNN BILL M fin her of thei Cotntnerclal chili Rmd roaila C4mnilttee, at a mf tum hdd yprerdRy. declared their opposition opposi-tion tn the Ininn bill reduclnic h Amount of money provided for federal , aid in rond buildintc and recommended ' that the club board of novernor re-j Hiieat I'nlted States Senators Srnoot J and KliiR' to ojiposo the meusure. The oppoaitiori wan based on th.'it feature of t!ie bill which make $10.00 n mile the maximum allotment for road building. It was pointed out that in thia acite It coat at least f.15.000 a mile to construct n hard surfaced roiid. ' The committee favor"d the coi.iinu-htice coi.iinu-htice of the Phipp-Inwcll bill, under which slate are r run ted three-fourth .f the i-oat of biRhmay construction. The committee took no art ion on t he ijue ' Ion f rharRinir rnnipet a at the municipal auto rninp 60 cent a n day. as proposed by in city rotnmia-nlnn rotnmia-nlnn on the Rround that the matter 1 nlready before the cll board of rov-crnora rov-crnora - 1 |