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Show COMMERCE HEAD! SEES DARKNESS . IN EUROPE Conditions in United State on Mend, but Europe Holds Black Future W AHH IN(1T N. May 1 (By A. 1 ) Althouch hualneaa rondltlnna nr on lh men-1 In thla cniiniry, th Im-lrovamtnt Im-lrovamtnt throughout lha world. unA parllcularlv In Kurorx. ajru-o the war haa not hrn auffl-lfnt to fiiatlfy , optlmiam aa to the) fulur. Joamph II. da Fraea. preldent of th chamber of tommrre of tha I'nltad Btataa, 1 6c la red hera todiiy In opening; tha tenth annual meeting of tha chamber. IayJng I- fore the convention, attended at-tended by aoma flv thouaund 1ela-gatrt 1ela-gatrt from fvery ev-tlon of the country, coun-try, tha hey not a problem to be con-aldered. con-aldered. "Kuropaan t'nndltfona und Their Kffeet on American Ilualnaa," Mr. da Kreea aald: 'When wa look eaatward to tha renter of modern clvllliatlon In Kurop-a. to tha mark at a nf hair our as port trade. H la only tha hopalaaaly Ignorant or tha Inourabla opt I ml at who ran work out any Immediaia aaaur nr of comfort or atablllfy.' Tha convention alao waa adrireaacd t tha owning aaaalon by Arthur Balfour, vice prealdent of tha Aaan latlon nf Hrltlah t'hamhera af Cora- I mere, who a pott a on tha economic land Induntrlnl altuatlon of Kurop. "In Kngland." Mr. Balfour aald. "nnd In khiip other cotintrlea, wa hava aan tha worat. Wa are raachlng: aconnmlu conditions whr trada on a proper haa ia will agraln ioaalhla. and I am vary hopeful that be for the end of the year trade will bag in to flow In lie normal channel." |