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Show jfZ THE ' GALIGHER MACHINERY CO. announce they r prepared pre-pared to manufacture Radio Poles All sizes. Prices on application. NEW LOCATION 565 Watt 8th So. Phona Was. 584. I J I Lioeoooooooeoooooot ooeeoooooooeoeoooooooooooooooooooooi W TO M FFSi 9 Yesterday morning the door opened upon the most momentous merchandising event in the history of the Co-op Fur- q f) niture Company. On very rare occasions do you see suchxa sale as this. When a house that has such a splendid rep- o utation for honest values and honest prices as the Co-op Furniture Company has, a sale, you can be assured it is si O GENUINE SALE. Unparalleled values await the thrifty buyer. S tnn r THIS SALE MEANS MANY llniicilll Dim Uo!itnc IfWJT 2 BS f DOLLARS SAVED TO YOU UDUSUai Kllg VallieS It Wj Q jS&Z&$J on refrigerators Tb. fi.rt contkH, ot Ru,L JjJW TT St '" tff T Twenty sisea and style to choo from. arary room in tha houta . ricJWwJieill iT'ill'f? $18.00, 40-U. ica capacity, top icar. $12.50 ranutrkabla tavtnft. KcWl li K JpMl If ' H I28-00 75-,b- iew.f22.40 y4r2? JrtMzML O I 1 t iJ $46.50 85-lb. ica capacity, 3-ioot AfcS ' ' J( f p A Ilk B ' i c-?'? VriC S y, $37.80 wilton Ruat a S rts lia&Wif l -Tlriv J' l ! 0 Marahail riaid at Karat Mual.a l I fA f 0 I f t L ' 1 I ""aJifflt J $68.00, 100-lb. ica capacity, 3-door Ouaiity tan wiitan ami IV.CI A 1 m VM ,ty,e 53-50 im' V U $290.00. 100-lb. ic. capacity, 3nloor rtyla, 1."?.??. $75.C0 O K CTilShl A. 'f -j th ftnet refrirtntof mxia $217.80 J ' wt SS3.C3 O a ILV 0 h WwX -Bohn Syphon Refrijjmtors are sdoted ex-' ... ImmTXXl "u0 ' i 7 S l ! ,L-i!1le- Mijy--ciusivclv by the Pullman Co. and greit Amer- tan wxtm f.la O V CP. n ,a25r-!T- r,yCican railroads on their dining and refrigerator m0o i.tt orM A -X "nr7 awaaaaaiBaaa8w I ltaa arJ Rug ( I D.Cj O p ' J The atore that tay in tha family. " "- O ' I Every ranjfe guaranteed by us and the - Q ' ( I Estate Stove Co., a 75-year-old factory. ' . . q 1 A;;- -teBUY YOUR NEW RANGE NOW 610601001115111165211106(1 S O j!FTT TXfL ,. AT THESE REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS 0 i CID j ' ' $178.50 Eauta Staler Duratu, tha baat May Sal Bargain Such as These O 1 C IE )J 33" JpipTloKi WJJ Bedroom , C07 C3 a : I I W Jl cooking top5 .nanyuSr Cati. Suite platfavJ M iTsTttl " Jmt like ilJutr"tion- P"0 $130.00 $242.00 Mahogany Piaiih , f ' ' , CI AO C1 O I Tjf Jy. $159.00 Ranga, May Sala prica. . $118.00 Suite '. VltaC.wJo t yCsZ4J $117.50 Range, May Sale prica. .... $79.00 $315.00 .Mahogany C $100.00 Ran, May Sale prica $60.00 Suite VflilaWJ O JLbt , jggSHI $245.00 Gas and Coal Combination M30.00 Walnut Suite, Queen Anne ", ; C01A 2 tfsm yA Range, gray enamel $170.00 Period VvlU.VraO V $220.00 Caa and Coal Combination $674.00 Ivory Suite, fineat fl (J NJk Ranfe, white enamel $160.00 quality yVWI aUJ O iCOF. FyKKIITILII'KE '.J 33-37 SOUTH MAIN ST. ' 2 lkAiflAlflOftlflAiAOilfiSiBlttSiil&aC'IAiAitiillAAtiiAiittAiAttAASABAAAAABBAAai OMEZ GLAND fe ,JLvf . Ara morn 3 Jk-(A5S' l'; than an ordl- . . Wl ..ki nary tonic for ilii- run-uown man. IteKiiln your old I'Kr. go and aelf-reapect. aelf-reapect. Very remarkalile renulla hava been obtained by thla aplen-did aplen-did gland treatment. Wrlta for . booklet. Sold and recommended at all Bchranun-Johnaon atorea. Adv. I GOOD HOSE I I AT A LOW PRICE I 1 I 2u()00 Feet of Inch 1 1 GARDEN I 1 HOSE I S S3 P Thrown on our bargain tables at the ridiculously low price of for 50-foot lengths, completely coupled, m ready to use. lg This is genuine 5-ply Goodrich Hose, p fully guaranteed and the best hose value S p we have ever offered. g S Take advantage of. this remarkable offer E p NOW tomorrow may be too late. m I MfflBSK3 1 ' " ..... for that crispy crust you like so well anJ that fresh, wholesome body, don't say "bread"; say ROYAL BREAD rSjin Tb bread that made ftwl CSj niotoeiirjBttbaJdj gJ . try the twin loaf. Two just right size loaves in one wrapper.. They break evenly apart, providing provid-ing correct size slices for toaster or sandwiches. Twin Loaves, 15 ' j ' . ROYAL BAKING CO. (Wa Ship Everywhera) Salt Laka City aV. Something r" i ' j! ' nJP$2.5o I I VaaasiBaTaBal Oenulne "H'occo"- a beautiful blend of whTte Mmm . 4 metal and bl-n k Zylonite opn end Inner eye- m I I wire fruniew t .racsful. strona; and durable M 1 riajularly old elsewhere at o and J Two-Day Special j Wedneaday and Thursday wa will fit theae handaome "Stocco" ' frame! to your leiuet for $2.50 Either store. REMEMBER TWO DAYS ONLY BETTER COME IN TODAY. SCHUBACH OPTICAL CO. j 105 Main St. 2 STORES276 Main St. |