Show NEVADA ATTACKS RAILS I 1 Pittman Charges Car Carriers fers Ai AF Capture Pa Pana ma Canal Cana Freight 1 W WASHINGTON April 30 20 Charges that the r railroads are arf to close the Panama cana canal were placed bore before the National Rivera an 1 Harbors congress Monday 1 Key Putman CD D. D Nev J Senator Pittman said the t Oro ch are arc see seeking ng t to block t ih canal so that they may get the bus ness which has been been dIverted to in shipping despIte t laed that the thc Panama canal amounts to only 2 per cent It at the country's freIght I IThe The great power saId are behind railroad In an hi at tempt to halt further inland waterways would federally controlled power powe Senator Pittman detailed f the battles over waterways in inar ar- ar that concerning the gulf route over the l ipP urged that the waterway enthus mj look to Germany and its ib trap tion coordination In Germany the engineers an and th tb scientists have no doubt about th benefits of waterway he saId The German nt controls the railways Germany that every form torm of tion that can be most cheaply w d be used S SIn i In this country countr the railroads eJen want to close the Panama canaL caniL Their argument is absurd |