Show I S NORTH SALT LAKE JAItE April 30 USDA USDA- Int 1724 through h Include to Los packers to OaklAnd packers Pl to Los Angeles market mar mar- ket and to S Sn San n FrancIsco packers about steady at n. n 35 on one lot to pound few butchers lot pound leeder pigs packing sows Cattle through shipments Include 98 to Los An Angeles market and 19 to LO Los Angeles packers few hell helt- ers 3 2 23 odd head medium tows cows Sheep shipments Include 2575 to Chicago market ml 1601 to Nebraska feeders 2029 to Om Omaha ha maSket 1222 to Denver market markel none this market OGDEN April 30 USDA Re 1273 1213 included d directs directs' Los AnOdes An- An Odes market Los Angeles packers San Francisco pack packers ra study steady to slightly lower than last w weeks week's s close top II gri g on best few mixed lots around S sows 7 M Receipts Cattle e about steady sup up l ly mostly plain few lots medium and good steers and heifers coro coro- mon kinds around noo tood cows common And nd medium lower l ds' down ard to HOO few bulls bull sm small lots choice Sheep Receipts 18 Denser market 1798 p ChIcago market mar mu ket St SI Joseph market 2977 Omaha market 1131 Nebraska feeders N New NewYork w York City market truckload native spring lambs 86 pounds steady at aL odd head ewes April 30 lIon Hors slow round around Sc lower than pounds Fridays Friday's J average good of top p to choice gl for i- i if f few to loads ZOO to pounds 20 to 30 pounds I HO to pounds 1325 rood Dl s eligible to plait plain kinds and weights down packing sows SO best light weights el 25 Cattle n e 2 weighty steers t 25 higher 1 h Instances i ce more yearlings fl and t licht grade 1 Je sir steers fat cOWL o Vo Vod and d to c 25 higher f bif better steer advance lower grades firm firm market n on cutters and lower grade beef cows p paid ld for three loads two loads 1427 pounds several loads londs t and numerous loads 8 two loads pound 2016 averages s liGO best light hollers 1635 heavy heifers 1650 several loads londs thin South Dakota stockers here hert not much attention general r replace replace- market however firm to higher bulls 10 tl c but best 37 c bulk Sheep exceedIngly little 1 done sellers asking steady and better bet bet- r ter on boIls 1 im clipped and ft oW offerings but buyers talking lower and ILS as yet et practically no bids lambs quality plain few best lots loti held above 1000 sellers askins ask uk- ins around for tOP Y clipped offerIngs offer offer- Inn Ings undertone undertone- steadY to strOD on aced ased sheep few 0 ewes sold early 3 I at upward up- up ward to 40 scattered t J le ewes es and aDd above |