Show Fill Entry Blanks Today For Playground Contest Fill out your entry to the home playground contest today Time is growing short Soon it will be too late Gratifying response has followed announcement of the backyard and vacant lot playground contest sponsored sponsored spon- spon by the city recreation department and the Salt Lake City Teacher Parent association in cooperation with The Telegram Do not delay longer Send in your entry blank and start work immediately Here is the answer to your family recreation problems problems lems at little expense The playground will keep the children at home safe from outside influences It will provide health building activity for the whole family It will free boys and girls from the danger of traffic traffic fic accidents It will provide means for character bUilding Possibilities for inexpensive playgrounds are almost unlimited Exercise your ingenuity in utilizing scrap materials Remember all entries must be in by May 15 The contest closes June 10 Act now The Telegram is offering awards in three divisions 1 Playgrounds costing not a penny 2 2 Those costing less than 5 3 And those costing less than 15 |