Show I New Modern Beaver Dam Hotel Oft on the Arizona Strip Highway No 91 h toD line Hue When to Boulder Darn Dam 12 11 Miles Quiet Restful Comfortable HOTEL CABINS FIND AND CAFE In Arizona J r Jr FORGET THE THE NIGHT I BEFORE I i I iR i r AVE A the first l thing jn in the morning Quickly 1 you ou like yourself RelIeves Re- Re headache and gas on the thel l helps restore normal alkalinity soothes you and puts Jou in shape for work Bromo is a compound of medicinal ingredients not just Cue ae Each has bu n a special benefit For J j L over 40 years rears it has bas be 1 a a. standby standby stand stand- by to counteract over indulgence in food and drink Contains no narcotics doesn't upset the stomach Works faster aster because you ou take it as a liquid Keep t a bottle boule at home at the office Sold at all soda fountains De certain to a ask k or the one and only Emersons Bromo anilla k re lla Im r. r because its ifs PURE Vanilla Schilling Bon sh iJan Pimples scientific way Popular preparation helps overcome many skin faults Use concentrated NI WALL P PAPER AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Some a Rf Low as S 5 per roll Some Embossed Pap Papers rs at 2 7 per roll roU Cleaner II 10 can 3 fo for 25 Builders Builders' Paint 47 quart I Calcimine all colors package 47 Now a Complete Line of NEW DRAPERIES WE SPECIALIZE IN PICTURE FRAMING FRAl FLOOR SAWING SANDING l RENTED BY TOE TUE DAY ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ENGBERG ENGBERG 19 West First South DISTRIBUTOR MAYFLOWER 1 r OJ 4 i I f o 4 J t I N ft HJ I L t 4 S S J I j 4 1 4 4 0 0 f i. i 4 q J z lJ t O f irk o 4 A i t S 1 V Vw I w 1 l' l I 1 j t. t I l I 4 c c I 1 TAr i I Ij j JJ T If I 1 i I. I r t c N NEW EW G GRADES RAD ES PURE PENNSYLVANIA J |