Show RAWLINGS FUNERAL SERVICES ARE HELD Rites Are Conducted for Native Native Na- Na tive of England MURRAY Funeral services for Mrs Emily Thorne Rawlings 72 who died Wednesday at the home or of her daughter Mrs Emily Hamilton of Price were conducted at 2 p. p m. m Sunday Sun Sun- day in the Mill Creek L. L D. D S. S ward chapel with Bishop Alma M M. Cornwall Cornwall Corn Corn- wall officiating Interment followed in M Mill ll Creek cemetery Mrs Rawlings was born in Ludlow England April 21 1862 a daughter of John and Sarah Thorne She had been residing with her daughter in Price for the past nine months and for two years prior had been In California California Cali- Cali fornia seeking to regain her health She had lived in Mill Creek most of her life Her husband Joseph Sharp Rawlings died several years ago Surviving are two sons Joseph S. S Rawlings of Roosevelt and Vernon S. S Rawlings or of Draper six daughters Mrs Margaretta Healy of Magna Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Edith Fox of Price Mrs Louisa Metcalf of Med ford Ore Mrs Mabel l Christensen of Salt Lake and Mrs Elsie Knowles of Martinez Cat Cal two brothers John JohnHenry JohnHenry Henry Thorne of Salt Lake and Heber Thorne of D ebo Idaho three sisters Mrs Annie Holland or of Silt Cob Colo Mrs Lucy Crawford pf of Meeker Cola Colo and Mrs Lill Lilly Ammerman of Salt Lake and 26 grandchildren |