Show NEW EXHIBITOR TAKES HONORS IN ART SHOW J Work S of Noted Painter Scores First Place at atS Utah City's Annual Display to The am SPRINGVILLE April DIstant 30 Surf one of two striking marine canvases camases exhibited by Frederick J J. J Waugh laugh classed as one of Americas America's foremost contemporary painters was unveiled here this afternoon as the first prize winner in the thirteenth annual National Art exhibit of the I Springville high school The picture was unveiled by Miss Helen Tew n a sophomore student at the high school who was WilS chosen in a popularity contest con con- test for this honor Miss Tew is the daughter of oC Mr and Mrs William T T. Tew of oC Mapleton l Mr Waugh exhibiting at Spring Spring- Springville yule ville for the first time sent two power powerful pow pow- er erful ul marines The uThe Breaker and Distant Surf Movement subtlety delicate coloring and sympathetic understanding un un- of the sea in all its moods are arc vcr very definitely portrayed in these canvases The fact that Mr Waugh has an unusual vIsual memory and that he paints from sketches and memory the scene that attracts him account for the strong decorative quality characteristic of many of his canvases camases of which these two are no exception When questioned regarding hIs method of attacking his great subject Waugh said r I spend part of each year studying the sea I both paint it and watch it carefully In that way I fix certain forms dearl clearly in my memory and learn the why and the how of the grand old ocean I have acquired the habit of constant observation If you really love na na- lure ture she will love you and teach you This interest in the sea grew out of oC the artists artist's residence on the island of oC Sark in the English channel and his later dwelling near St. St Ives Cornwall Cornwall Corn Corn- wall England Like many strong artists Waugh received his early art training in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Philadelphia and his special master there was Thomas Eakins Later he studied in the Academic Julian and under and Robert Fleury in Paris Critics place Frederick J. J Waugh in the front ranks of contemporary con con- temporary American painters |