Show VF VI FI WI BRANCH ENDS CONCLAVE OGDEN Visiting members and officers of the national ladies ladies' a Veterans of Foreign W War Ward rs who attended the two-day two confer ence of the southwest area Mon day were leaving for their homes homer in California Arizona Nevada Wy oming Colorado New Mexico and western Texas Some had scheduled a sightsee sightsee sightsee-j ing tour Monday in Salt Lake City before returning home The auxiliary pledged Itself to its three-point three program to SUpport and foster increased protection and I defense of America by means of oil complete hemisphere defense protection pro and furthering of Amerl Amerl- and opposition to subversive e elements and added legislation for forthe forthe forthe the protection of the nations nation's defenders de de- de 1 fenders past and present r P Visiting national officials at the Ogden conference were Mrs Laurie of Oakland Cal past na as na-jj na president Mrs Phoebe M lf Neron of San Diego Cal Cat national conductress and Mrs Clara Bowman BOW T I man of San Carlos Ariz national council member |