Show GREEKS CHEEKS SMASH AT r NEW FRONTS f Nov 25 5 cap P P Cap Cap- of 2000 Italian troop b by the Greeks was WM announced in Atheni Ath Ath- r eni n Monday ronda according to a dispatch dis- dis p patch h from th the ar Greek el capital to hange Telegraph British news W agency agency ATHENS Gr Greece Nov 25 IE nj from the battlefront lAId Jd Monday that Greek advance wilts Ji had d Petered entered the outskirts o of main Italian military Ue in southern Albania and that tha the CIt city w was as ed to tall fall beLots bet be- be t for Lots te evening Ja y fighting al also alao was reported arted Ves of where the Gre Greeks Greek k w wre re threatening te t to top top p bosh sh to t the te e Adriatic isola A large number of ot Italians I These The thru thrusts ts w were re part of A against the thwarted It invasion which was de de- de- de abed bed by military S sources as A uH l fuji fledged offensive Intended Intend e efa t fa to wrest Albania from Italian control con eon tI and possibly keyed to a plan pla tar for Greek British seizure elzure o of I It I a I ys y's strategic 1 islands land 1 Abandon AbAndon Forts Fort I While the drive on continued additional Greek col- col tO th the et eMt threatened Pre- Pre Ji tl fin In the central sector the Ital Ital- tint na n were ported re-ported to have aban aban- ned their fortified po positions on d doped MA U M Mount Italian HaUan continued in Jn th the ira a north of the surrendered d city tt ill of Koritza where even Greek cay cay- Dry y as as unable to engage th the body of ot the fleeing Italians Greek Gre-ek said that casual casual- pie tie ot of both armies have been comparatively com corn small and attributed this thiC to alleged failure of ot the Ital Ital- j fa n 5 to offer stubborn resistance t Greek attacks Tie Prisoners r TA A 1 n neutral military source estimated esti estl- mated d that the Gre Greeks 8 have taken prisoners About 1000 arr arrived ar ar- ar- ar r rived ed in Athens Monday the land drive the Greek Creek air force bombed the Albanian cities fit of or B Berau Albanian cities fit of or B Berau and hid while Italian plan planes s ai also were reported In action after eral da days of ot quiet British troops troops theIr their number svere were ed-were were reported authoritatively au au- au- au tb Sunday night to have b ben i ferried d across the Mediterranean a tan by files file of British trans trans- Ports ls and landed at Gr Greek Grek ek ports h r cheering c waving flag C Greeks Creeks eks u welcomed e them rIM ie British many BritIsh many of them de- de m d as ts veterans of the last i stand in Flanders and the retreat h a-h Dunk Dunkerque were Dunkerque-were were said to tob b in m equipment tr transportation trans trans- ns- ns and supplies They were t ported ted to have been sent as an operating rating force to work with the MA F. F in Greece rather than as s reinforcements menu for tor the Greek aNn army Other reports said considerable force farces of ot British and Gr Greek k troops w C massed in an expeditionary army ity on the Greek Island of Crete awaiting mailing the zero hour for lot a di direct dl- dl re rest t assault on the strongly fortified fort forti fled fied islands S Such ch an attack it was indicated rn In be sprung as soon as the I British naval blockade in the castra cast cast- em ra Mediterranean n could weaken I Ithe Italian n bases on the islands |