Show Post Season Bow ow Game Rivals Set For Final Games I By HUGH S. S FULLERTON Jr NEW YORK Nov 25 UP This Af-This This week the football season gets down to what might be called the semifinal or you pick em stage That's the time when the main Interest interest in In- terest rest is in trying to guess what teams will be chosen to play in inthe inthe the various bowl games January 1 Barring possible but unlikely upsets this week the leading Rose Roseand Roseand Roseand and Sugar bowl candidates are the five major teams that still are undefeated and untied untied Boston Boston college college college col col- col- col lege Tennessee Texas A. A and M. M Stanford and Minnesota Unbeaten Lafayette got all steamed up last night over an Orange bowl InvItation invitation invitation tion only to hear it was just a feeler and that Fordham Penn State Boston college and other eastern teams are under consideration consideration consideration consid consid- with Alabama and MississippI Mississippi Mississippi sippi State among the possible Southern entries Mississippi State is one of the tied but unbeaten teams te The other Texas Tech and undefeated untied undefeated untied Simmons Hardin-Simmons may also be in inline inline line Oine for a bowl bid Looks Brighter The prospects for a Big Ten Pa C fic Coast meeting between Stanford Stanford Stanford Stan Stan- ford and Minnesota are looking brighter while Tennessee vs Boston Boston Boston Bos Bos- ton college looks like the most likely Sugar bowl lineup Minnesota finished its Western conference sweep by whipping Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin Wis Wis- 22 13 after spotting the Badgers the first 13 points The Gophers' Gophers chances of going to Pasadena Pasadena Pasadena Pasa Pasa- dena depend upon favorable action action action ac ac- ac- ac tion by the conference faculty members at their meeting December December December Decem Decem- ber 6 67 While sentiment seems to be swinging in favor of such a game that may be too late Stanford Stanford Stanford Stan Stan- ford idle last week winds up Saturday against its ancient rival California and the bowl invitation usually comes right after the final game Tennessee victorious over Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Ken Ken- tucky 33 0 still has to dispose of Vanderbilt next Saturday and Boston Boston Boston Bos Bos- ton college which walloped one strong Southeastern conference team Auburn 7 33 still has to get past poast Holy Cross Since both their rivals have been beaten frequently these assignments dont don't look especially especially especially espe espe- hard for the Volunteers and the Eagles Texas Battle The Texas also have to togo togo togo go through the formality of clinching clinching clinching clinch clinch- ing their second straight Southwest conference championship and completing completing completing com com- an unbeaten season when they meet Texas Thursday They also were idle last week Lafayette finished its unbeaten season by beating Lehigh 46 0 Simmons Hardin-Simmons which plays little litle Howard Payne Friday night beat San Francisco university 28 18 I Mississippi State helped clear Tennessee's Tennessee's Tennessee's Tenn Tenn- essee's path to the Southeastern conference title by beating Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi sippi 19 0 to put the Rebels out the running Texas Tech had a week off in preparation for Saturdays Saturday's Saturdays Saturday's Saturdays Saturday's Sat Sat- clash with New Mexico 13 12 conqueror of Arizona Surveying the status of other teams by sections the situation is about this East East After After Boston Holy college-Holy Cross the colorful tradition-laden tradition Army Army- Navy Army N avy game ame a at nt t Ph l 1 a e 1 p hia I Army Army- Navy Army N avy game ame a at nt t Ph l 1 a e 1 p hia ais atis is this weeks week's only game of national interest with New Fordham-New York university and end Duquesne Carnegie as added attractions Once beaten Fordham and Duquesne both are candidates for second ranking in inthe inthe inthe the section The Dukes moved up by beating Villanova 10 14 10 last week while Pittsburgh knocked Penn State down dawn out of the tied en-tied class with a 7 20 ing Georgetown beaten only by Boston college didn't gain much prestige by defeating George Washington Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington 8 80 The top honors in the informal Ivy league go to Pennsylvania 22 20 n conqueror o 01 or f nf f v C orn e 11 1 in In n th the me L 22 20 n conqueror o 01 or f nf f v C orn e 11 1 in n the me L most surprising as well as the most exciting game last lost week Harvard furnished another surprise in this group by the decisiveness of its 28 0 over Yale I Army took a 26 19 licking from Princeton while preparing for the Navy game while Holy Cross tuned up for Boston college by beating Manhattan 33 Columbia 20 17 winner over Colgate and Brown which lost to Dartmouth 6 20 in ina ina ina a Thanksgiving day contest Rocky Mountain Utah Mountain Utah won the Big Seven title when Denver and Colorado tied last Thursday and Saturdays Saturday's 13 draw between Brigham Young and Colorado State had no bearing on the race This weeks week's only action in the mountain area sends Colorado college college college col col- lege a member of the old Rocky Mountain conference whose 26 12 loss to Grinnell was its first of ot the season against Occidental Pacific Coast Coast California California Improving improving improving Im im- im- im proving steadily might upset Stanford Stanford Stanford Stan Stan- ford but that wouldn't keep the Indians from getting the Rose bowl bid Stanford already has beaten Washington which then could tie tle for the conference title by beating Washington State The Huskies gave U. U C. C L. L A A. its worst beating 41 0 last week while Washington State edged out Gonzaga Gon- Gon zaga 14 Southern California California- U. U C. C L. L A. A and Oregon-Oregon Oregon tate State are other wind-up wind games Saturday Midwest Michigan Midwest Michigan with a 40 0 rout of its old rival Ohio State and Northwestern 20 0 winner over Notre Dame followed close behind their conqueror Minnesota In Big Ten circles Indiana and Iowa wound up in a sixth place tie j after beating Purdue 3 0 and andI I 4 tip o of I Is s y h 1 H Fritz Crisler In rolling up a 40 0 win over Ohio State III Hi his Michigan charges handed th the th- Buckeyes their worst beating I Illinois 7 18 respectively I j Nebraska Ne-braska which has virtually clinched the Big Six title although it had a slight scare before it beat Iowa State 21 12 may be another bowl candidate The Huskers beaten beat beat- en only by Minnesota are showing g some interest in Sugar bowl feel feelen u and this may increase if they're su successful suc successful against Kansas State Slate Satur day Oklahoma 9 6 winners ov over over r Temple plays s 's Santa Clara 26 0 winner over Loyola of Los Angel yesterday in a final game at s Si Francisco while Kansas beaten by Missouri one Thanksgiving plays Colorado State Slate on the other J fj If Tulsa which won the Missouri Missour Missouri Valley title for the fourth time byi by beating Oklahoma A A. and M. M 6 19 61 19 meets Arkansas Thursday South South Barring Barring an upset victory by Vanderbilt over Tennessee which would throw the race wide open interest in the Southeastern conference centers around the Al bama Mississippi bama-Mississippi State tussle for r second place Alabama outscored d Vanderbilt 25 21 last week to take third Florida 7 16 conqueror of Georgia Tech plays Auburn Tech ich meets Georgia and Tulane fac faces Louisiana State in other Saturday i y games The annual Pittsburgh Duke-Pittsburgh Intersectional In la tussle is the high spot of the Southern conference program pro pro- gram now that Clemson has won the champi championship with its 7 13 vi tory over Furman Duke trounced I North Carolina State 6 42 last Se Sat Saturday while North Carolina be beat t Virginia 10 7 Conference games Thursday are the Citadel 7 13 w win ner over Sewanee vs Davidson Washington Maryland-Washington and Lee and end South Wake Carolina-Wake Forest J Southwest The Southwest The Texas Aggie can win the conference title by beating Texas but they cant can't lose it Both Southern Methodist 7 4 winner over Baylor in the mud and Rice 6 14 victor over Texas Christian still have chances for a atie atie atie tie depending on the outcome or of their December 7 game They play switch opponents for this weeks week games |