Show War Workers in Britain Push Pay Demands LONDON Nov 25 AP AP British workers are demanding i higher wages to meet the high cost of living in moves raising g possible complications for the governments government's problem of fighting fighting fight fight- ing a war which experts say will be won in the factories fight I Men In such vitally Important war industries as shipbuilding engineering engineering engineering en en- and railways have reached a deadlock with their employers employers em em- players over wage Increase de demands demands demands de- de mands and this week is scheduled to see development In th the situa situa- tion Labor experts say the government government government govern govern- ment may be faced with the difficult difficult dif problem of ot satisfying the workers' workers demands and at the same time controlling the cost of liv liv- ing Special Tribunal Sought The Confederation of EngineerIng Engineer- Engineer Ing and Shipbuilding ting Unions comprising comprising com corn about 40 organizations has decided to ask the labor ministry to set up a special tribunal for dealing with demands for a 10 shilling about about 2 2 increase increase a week on both the engineering and shipbuilding sides Such a tribunal I would supersede the existing xi national national national na na- arbitration tribunal The government body of the the Amalgamated Engineering ring union has las been summoned to meet at Southport Thursday to decide Its course in the face of refusal of employers to grant a about 5 cents cents cents-an an hour Increase on n basic rates and restoration of ot pre-June pre 1031 1931 working conditions Rail Bail Men Seek Raise Three Thre e railway trade unions shortly will wUl place before the railway rail rall- way companies companI s a uniform claim for or further wage increases the exact ex- ex act amounts of which have not been disclosed but which are exp ex expected ex- ex ex- ex p to be between en five and 10 shillings a week Even government are growing restive On Wednesday the he staff side of the National Whitley Council for Civil Service representing about civil servants will present sent Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Kingsley Wood with a request for tor a higher cost of bonus This action I follows a deadlock in negotiations Employers refusing workers' workers demand demands de de- de- de mends mands have responded with the contention that Increased wages would mean a still lUll higher cost of ot living thus nullifying the wage waie In In- creases |