Show Bond List Shows Irregular Trend NEW YORK Nov 25 U R lec- lec tive buying brought another anoter good quota of gains gain in Mondays Monday's bond market but the list lit as a whole was wasa wa a bit irregular Rail Ri and utility issues were well wel represented in the higher groups grups I and prices generally were close cose to the best near th the final hour Among better performers were International Telephone S and Commercial Mackay Income bonds with wih warrant each up more than thana a point pint at one time Others on the rising side Include included ed e American and Foreign Power 55 5 Studebaker 6 Third Avenue adjustment 5 of 60 5 Great Northern Northera North North- ern era G JG 4 of 46 46 Allegheny of ot 50 Delaware Hudson Hudon refunding 4 s and Nickel Plate More hesitant were such suc Issues as a Goodrich 4 s Santa Sant Fe 4 of 95 and Pacific Missouri F JF Sc 5 of 77 7 U. U S. S governments inclined mildly mildly mild mUd ly upward tie tle te Foreign attention dollar dolar loans lons received receive littie little lit lit- l- l |