Show The Yanks Are Not Coming TT ITIS IS good to note that at least some Britons I I in influential positions are not pinning their hopes for victory in this war on the expectation that America w will ll soon send ships and armies overseas to conquer totalitarianism in Europe The Marquis of Linlithgow viceroy of India India In In- dia declared in the house of commons the theother theother theother other day It is only a pipe dream that we shall see American ships and troops fighting In Europe He made that statement t in connection connection con con- with an appeal that additional troops be raised in the colonies The marquis is certainly correct in his forecast forecast forecast fore fore- cast if we understand the feelings of the American people and their representatives in congress That feeling is that we will give every assistance to Britain that we can as a nonbelligerent ally but that we will not under any circumstances take part in the war in Europe by sending our navy our air force or our army overseas That feeling is based on sound common sense ense It is to our Interests to help Britain We do want her to be victorious But it would be the height of folly for us to involve ourselves ourselves our our- selves to the hilt in a foreign war which if 11 Britain cannot win alone with our material aid may be no easier to win with our direct military aid The only result of our Intervention Intervention Inter Inter- might be to leave us so weakened and impoverished that we would be easy prey for forthe forthe forthe the forces of tyranny either from within or from without |