Show S. S L. L County Bees Staging Honey Of Increase Hive You Noticed The bee line is growing longer V. V L. L Martineau Salt Lake county agent in his annual report Monday showed that the bee known Intimately as honey is staging a comeback after the ray ray- ages of a mysterious malady that in 1939 killed 80 per cent of the 2100 colonies in the county A Telegram reported Monday put the bee on Mr Martineau and learned there are colonies Inthe Inthe in inthe the county This of course Is far from the 1939 figure and does not allow one bee for every bonnet But theres there's this about the Salt Lake county bee Hes He's a sweet worker producing 60 pounds of honey per hive on the average With this malady apparently licked the question to be or not notto notto notto to be no longer bothers the bee Hes He's too busy |