Show The Deadwood Coach 4 Noted Vehicle of Overland Mall Mail Days May Become One of National Museum Curios 4 v S I S Col oI W. W P F. F Cody known over the world as Buffalo Burtalo Bill Bm Is considering j I the advisability of ot presenting his famous famous fa- fa a- a Deadwood coach to the National museum He Is In the city for a few lays ays In the Interest of ot the Irrigation of ot the arid wastes of ot Wyoming and other States of ot the West West and has been a familiar amiar figure at the Capitol this week weel This morning moring he visited the National museum and had a long talk with wih severa several several sev sev- era eral officials of ot the Institution When seen by the Sun correspondent at the New Willard he admitted that 1 object of ot his visit to the museum was to confer with the officials regarding regard regard- ing a proposition to have him donate the coach to the collection In the past few few months months the museum authorities have ave corresponded with wih him about abut the coah coach co I but our DUI out he ne 16 has nas nas been loth loin IOUI to 10 tu IU part part coah coach co I but our DUI out he ne 16 has nas nas been loth loin IOUI to 10 tu IU part part JiL with wih it It although he desires to ultimately ulti ulti- present It i to some Institution I Before he heard from the National museum museum museum mu mu- I seum he contemplated having a 3 large I glass case cae made In which he might store Etore the riddled bullet old vehicle at athis athis athis his home at Cody Wyo I 1 have haye not reached any decision re regarding regarding re- re garding the donaton donation said Col Cody this afternoon After I return to Wyoming I will wi do so s. s Strangely enough Col Cody said sid tHe tue tle National Naton museum has ha no stage stagecoach stagecoach stagecoach coach of ot the type used In the West years ago In Its wonderful collection of ot locomotives and vehicles of ot ton tion There Is an n old prairie praire schooner but hut no stage coach They are getting scarce now I have seven or eight of them but none so historic and interesting inter inter- eating esting as the old Deadwood coach In addition additon to the te fact that it I figured in inmany inmany inmany many thrilling affairs affairs in the West Wet It Itha has ha a doubly l Interesting history from the fact that every crowned head of ot Europe has ridden within or upon it The Deadwood coach he continued is js one of the tle old Concord type tye It I was built buit in 1863 b by Abbot Downey Co of Concord Vt It I Is numbered and the records show It was wa shipped around the Horn to a firm It I was one of 50 OO contracted for tor In that year Trace of It was lost for some time In eleven years It I had worked Its is way eastward across the country from California to Wyoming where It was wa found running In 1874 on the stage line lne between Cheyenne Cheyenne Wyo and the Black Back Hills His S. S D. D At At that time It i was wasa a treasure coach coach In 1874 75 ana anil 76 It t was used to transport gold from the Black Back Hills His mines to the he Union Pacific railroad On that r route ute It figured In Inmany Inmany Inmany many fights with wih the Sioux Indians the greatest of which was In the early spring of 1876 during what was known as the Hat Ha creek or Bonnet creek fight The coach wa was attacked by some of the younger Sioux wa Indians and eleven men were killed defending the coach coah within and without the vehicle I wanted a historic coach and picked up the Deadwood Deadwood Deadwood Dead- Dead wood coach which was wa practically abandoned shortly shorty after the Bonnet creek fight Col Cody referred referred to the contrasts contrast In Inthe Inthe inthe the life le of the old vehicle A democratic democratic demo demo- cratic institution In every respect typically typically Icly American and Identified with wih one of ot the most Interesting pages of ot American history the development development- of the West It had served as a Coach och for forthe forthe the tle crowned heads of monarchical Europe Eu Eu Europe rope and ranked with wih the royal coaches of ot the continent as a relic The Princess of Wales Vales now Queen Alexandra said Col Col Cody was the first royal loyal personage to ride In it She set the fashion Her Innovations have for years been followed all aU over Eng England land In the year 1887 when the show was wa In England she expressed a desire to occupy a seat In the coach Her re request request request re- re quest was granted With her were her two sons and two daughters I drove the horses This started a 8 fad and all al the time we were In England members of the nobility and royalty rode In the coach I We booked engagements engagements en en- ea- ea for weeks ahead On another her al occasion the Prince of Wales Vales commanded th that t I drive the coach for four gentlemen who were examining it I curiously The gentlemen entered while I mounted to the box The Prince of ot Wales asked to be al allowed allowed allowed al- al lowed to sit si beside me while I A band of my Sioux Indians chased chase us around the te inclosure and the entire entre party of five enjoyed the experience wonderfully After the ride the Prince of Wales Vales said to me I suppose you never before had the pleasure of ho holding hold ding d- d ing four Kings Kings' This to the national game led me to reply Yes I have often ofen held four kings b but t never never four kings with wih the royal royl Joker at the same time I was introduced to the four distinguished personages who rode in the coach They were Leopold King of the Belgians Belgian the King of Saxony Saxony Saxony Sax Sax- ony King George Gerge of ot Greece and King Oscar of Norway and Sweden Wash Wash Wash Washington ington Correspondence Baltimore Sun |