Show WHAT IS THE U USE EP I ui i bono What Is the use of It all fl ally illy ambitious people cannot help aiming liming when they find that not only kt t t they use every effort to enter soFy soy so- so Fy y but once admitted must be equal- equal jealous In order to retain their po ln l- l n n. Even after ater a years year's Inaction peo- peo I rEven who by much painstaking effort a 11 I have acquired what they hoped to be a permanent recognition find themselves unaccountably dropped by the very people people peo peo- eo- eo pie who have taken them up Keep up the dance my little marIonettes says Dame Fashion If It you cease to be amusing I have no use for you And ao so the farce has to he kept up year after ater year ear until the puppets puppets pup pup- pets Jets are worn out and new ones take their places i I |