Show IN SOCIAL The Womans Woman's Womans Woman's Republican club cub held an open meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs W. W H. H Jones ore on South Third East street It was held In honor of ot Lincoln's Lincoln's Lin Lin- coln's coins Birthday Daniel Harrington de delivered delivered delivered de- de livered an appropriate oration The Womans Woman s Missionary society of ot the First Presbyterian church held Its regular regular regular reg reg- ular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon on An entertaining literary was given S IS Tuesday afternoon th the the- Womans Woman's club held Its regular meeting Mrs W. W F. F Adams gave an Int Interesting talk on the Philippine question She read several extracts from letters received from her father Prof Proto W. W C. C Damon of ol the Philippine Philippine Philippine Philip Philip- pine educational commission S SI Silver Sliver Maple circle No lOS Women of ot Woodcraft gave save a card social and peak peakS supper at Odd Fellows' Fellows temple Friday night S 'S SI A pleasant affair Wednesday afternoon was the open meeting of or the Council of J Jewish Women omen Rabbi Reynolds delivered ered an interesting talk on the PossIbilities Possibilities of the Jew In the United States Miss Bertha Straus of New e York gave 1 grf rf fr ci s several readings g including including- c u n a s scene from the Merchant of Venice Mrs Coulter of or Ogden r read ad a paper on the Benefits of or the Federation to the Individual Individual Individual In In- Club A solo Islands of Dr Dreams ams' ams was rendered by Mrs Mooney Some well selected readings were given by Mrs John JQhn Reed After the refreshments were served and an In Informal informal In- In formal social enjoyed E |