Show DOLLARS NOT MARRIAGE ATTRACT THIS SWINDLER Arch Deceiver Posing as Widow Lures Wealth From Love Love Love-Lorn Lorn Suitors and Then Decamps William A A. Cust Custer r has l appealed to the police to assist him assist him In ferreting in-ferreting out a I clever swindler Custer has Just ar arrived arrived ar- ar rived here from Argentine Argentine- Republic having made mad th the long journey with the expectation of marrying Mrs A A. J J. J MaxIm Maxlin Upon his arrival however diligent Inquiry failed to disclose the whereabouts ts of Mrs MaxIm In fact no trace of ot the mysterious woman c could uld be obtained Capt Cu Custer t r is on only y another victim of a shrewd swindlers swindler s clever ruse Ne Nearly a hundred men men have preceded him All have been bent befit on marrying marrying the fair correspondent who signed herself herself herself her her- self Mrs MaxIm and mourned the loss of her first husband until all hearts were to touched ched At present there are a a. number of money orders In the tha Daleville Dale- Dale ville postoffice more at the postoffice at Yorktown and others at the postoffice postoffice postoffice post- post office at Muncie At each place a number of packages and several letters letters letters let let- await Mrs Maxlin's s appearance It Is said here that no such character as Mrs Arizona J. J J Maxim Maxlin is in existence exist exist- ence Whoever has assumed the name rame however has conducted a most s successful sue suc c- c swindling game securing thousands thousands thousands thou thou- sands of dollars from patrons of matri- matri 4 4 4 44 4 4 f An alleged swindler operating as asa f 4 a beautiful but disconsolate widow f b but t who Is believed to be a man 4 4 has obtained tho thousands sands of ot dollars 4 4 from men In Illinois Michigan 4 44 4 Ohio Kentucky Maryland PennsYlvania Penn- Penn 4 44 4 sYlvania and other States under 4 44 4 pretense of being willing to marry 4 4 t them em When the tle arrived at the tho f 4 widow widows s address they found fO themselves them- them 44 4 4 selves sadder wiser and poorer 4 4 men She had gone to other scenes scenes 4 44 4 agencies who have been placed In communication with her and eventually eventually eventually event event- have been bee promised her hand The postmasters ers of Daleville Muncie Y Yorktown and several other gas belt towns Insist that Mrs Maxlin has re received received re re- amounts at various times that will make a total up In the thousands Men from Illinois Michigan Ohio Kentucky Pennsylvania Maryland Canada Missouri and a a number of other States not only have been In communication with the fair widow but likewise have made the journey as Capt Cu Custer ter has done to Daleville only to find that Mrs Maxlin does not exist The police believe the swindler is a aman man |