Show SKIES DIES SI IN FEBRUARY t. t First Magnitude Stars to Appear Above the Horizon Constellation of Mighty Orion Eight stars of oC the first magnitude will b be above the horizon at 7 o'clock at lt c dose close ose of oC the month Named in n the o order d r of oC their brightness they are Sirius Star Dog-Star below and at the left of ot Orion Orlon which b before Core us as we face I south Capella the She-Goat She nearly overhead RIgel In the left foot of fn n and Betelgeuse In his right shoulder the Little Dog at the theor making It and Sirius a a. nearly sided equal or east of Betelgeuse se Eye Ee at the right of Betelgeuse and at about the thee I Aldebaran the Lulls lower ot of the two Twins Gemini now to be seen In Ie e altitude Pollux the the horizon to the zenith Regulus east at two-thirds two ot of the distance from Izon hoj-Izon star In the old constellation Leo which Is now fairly above the zon In the east This star may readily be identified from Its position at th tho the theor which forms torm the Lions Lion's bushy head and or o the handle ot of the Sickle lI ders Overhead sits the Wagoner The constellation may easily be located m ns o ot the tie bright star Capella In the left shoulder On th the old fashioned of oC the constellations w was represented uT Ua chart chart which gave save figures his left shoulder her three kids In hi his lap and holding ted ced with a goat coat upon Is f right Ight hand the reins with which he drives steeds The constella- constella 1 iSas as thus conceived is undoubtedly very ancient It Is said to have been id rd depicted substantially as described above upon Assyrian tablets which ws wa vs it to have been known to the Chaldean astronomers The five brighter a of this group form a a. quite striking pentagonal figure the two more south south- ot of which are arp in the Wagoner's feet teet One of oC these Is the star El Ei Nath fie lie second magnitude which tips the northern horn of the celestial Bull This Bull Taurus consists merely o of head horns horn and shoulders It may be beted beed ted ed by means mean of or the star Aldebaran at one corner of the V-shaped V cluster he ie Hyades which forms the Bulls Bull's face The Pleiades are In his shoulder At the right or west of oC Taurus is Aries Arles the Ram of oC which the most conous con- con bous 3 ous portion is a pair of or stars one of the second and one of ot the he third mag- mag lie de which serve to locate the Rams Ram's head Between west and northwest the great square of ot Pegasus is partly below horizon From the northeastern corner of this square the square the upper right-hand right ler er as the figure is now nosed runs posed runs a curved line of four second-magnitude second 1 E i In the direction of Capella The first three of these stars belong to Andro- Andro a the lowermost that lowermost that at the corner of the sq square square being being Alpha In her herI I 1 and the uppermost Gramma In her left lef foot I The ml middle Ile star Is Beta l r tho the brightest of oC three which form torm the maidens malderis belt Near the northern of ot this belt Is the famous Andromeda nebula visible to the naked eye i blurred star of about the fifth magnitude Through an opera-glass opera Its character Is perceived unmistakably j The fhe uppermost of ot the four stars pointed out is Alpha P Persel at about the theIr the I Ir of of ot the elongated group of ot stars which forms the body of the constellation pus us At the left of oC a line drawn from this star to Gamma Is J ersel ordinarily of oC the second magnitude better known as Algol the thenon theon non on one of the longest known of ot the visible stars A description of itsU its U arity was given last month Ithe Ithe I t the the right of oC Perseus In In the northwest may be seen th the taped aped figure of Cassiopeia the Lady in her Chair At about about the same allin altin alli- alli fin n the northeast the Great Dipper In the Ursa Major stands upon Us its Vr r c- c Its two Pointers at about the same altitude as as' the Pole Pole Star whose ron n they Indicate Note that this tar star tar of the second magnitude stands between the center of Cassiopeia and the middle star in the Dip Dip- g handle candle 1 j J I poking at the stars themselves and losing s sight of ot the picture we can make out among them a crude likeness to a gigantic human shape shape- II T a giant as a school boy might draw upon his slate or an Indian upon a piece r bark bark and and we may feel fairly certain that this figure is the original rue rue Orion t I J lie Arabic name of ot this constellation was Al 1 the Giant The name is is' In that of one of oC Its brightest two stars B Bet el Bat el Bat it of oC the Giant Rigel the name of the star at the lower right-hand right corner great X Is t the e Arabic which means foot toot at the lower left- left corner Is of the third magnitude The name Is Arabic and means sword trix at the upper right-hand right corner Is of the second magnitude This is Latin meaning ss As the name of a astar star Its point Is obscure Post |