Show TWELVE VE TO START IN INBUR BURNS BUR HANDICAP SAN FRANCISCO Feb 15 The The 10 COO Burns handicap at one and one- one quarter miles will be decided a a. at- at Oakland Oakland Oakland Oak Oak- land this afternoon From the present outlook twelve e horses will face the bar bar- rier ncr Taking Into consideration the weights class recent trials and public to form Im I'm of the hor horses hores es It looks as If Nones Articulate and Scotch Plaid are the three horses most worthy of consideration tion Black Dick and appear to hold I the balance of ot the field safe sare Because of ot his grand work his good consistent racing In the East and his courage Nones will probably make the Ryan entry entry entry en en- en- en try consisting of himself and Obia fa favorite fa- fa f Nones will be ridden by Nash Turner who came to the coast especially for this V. V K V V. V l Bt NS HANDICAP STARTERS l Nash Turner 8 to 5 p. p Obis Obia 16 coupled with Nones V- V Articulate Bullman 4 to 1 1 V 5 a th couF coupled cou- cou coul l f. f V. V pled with Articulate Scotch f. f V r Plaid Woods 5 to 1 1 Corn Corn- 6 t H gan coupled with P i Scotch Plaid Black Dick Burns l p. p 8 to 1 1 OConnor O'Connor t 8 S to 1 The Fretter 20 to 1 1 Frangible Knapp 92 92 20 to tP 1 1 Horton Hoar 4 40 44 to 1 p. p Conic Jackson DS S 15 IS t to 1 1 V p v. v x v v. v y r race Many of the known best-known jockeys jockey In America will be represented in the event as will be seen by the list of probable starters |