Show 1 t t. t f m tA T J T 0 f fV V v t II i I t- t I B SALE 4 O T HT 7 f Fe Me J BARGAIN STeRE J t ti I 52 Bi 5 S S. MAIN STREET Notion Specials Bargains That COMPARE TIIS Table Cutlery Mats Hats ats and PRICES WIT Will Gaps Caps 5 e a and nd 10 lOc c Goods Everybody Use L. L Mens Men's or Boys Boys' Caps 10 and T T Tea Strainers onlY o lc W IIA 1 YO U PA PAY Y E L White-Handled White Knives and Forks Knives per set and Mens Men's 1 Pearl Fedora ra Hats J. J 1 Sharps Sharp's English needles per ie E R ALL OTHER STYLES T Good Pins full count per per paper Ic Best WE Wire Ire Egg Beaters Ic Ii 1 Plated Knives and Forks and up TION Dover over E Egg Beaters best made Gol Gold Eyed Needles for Cor paper c gg ea ers es ma e. e Rogers Best Silver-Plated Silver Knives t- t 2 Doz Good Hooks and Eyes for Ic 10 Wire Coffee Pot Stand an and d F Forks or k s per s set sat t 3 00 Good Safety Pins per doz Rex ex Mouse Traps Carpets arpe t s an and d R Rugs g Graniteware t Boys' Boys Pocket Knives 35 3 3 5 and lOc WW and an d ttA are t Basting Thread per spool Ic Mens Men's Pocket Knives and Machine Thread per spool Best Wood Towel rowel Rollers lOc up B Best es t W Wood 00 d H Hat a t Ra Racks c ks lOc lOcWood Yard Tard wide Carp ens 20 25 35 and Granite Cups only Butcher Knives 10 10 15 and Underwear Under i to Turkey Red ed Marking Cotton Wood Salt Boxes lOc All wool Carpets yard wide 62 62 lc c Granite te Tea Ket Kettles ties 48 48 75 and Putty Knives lc U Potato Mashers and Nice Brussels Carpets Double Granite Rice Boilers Wall Scrapers OUR PRICE ON HOSIERY IS BELOW BE BE- IJ L. L per sp spool tc iC Steel Fire Shovels q eerie Rugs and 4 00 Granite Milk Cans Pointing Trowels o Sc LOW ALL OTHERS FOR SAME T Coats Best Darning Cotton per spool Pancake Turners Heavy Smyrna Rugs Rug 3 60 for tor S Granite Pie Plates lates 5 5 and Razor Strops 15 and QUALITY Kid Hair Curlers Floor Oil Cloth yard wide Granite Coffee Pots 2 25 25 and IT L. L Curling Irons Best P Patent tent Sad Iron Handles Sc Granite e Dish Pans 36 35 and Razors 2560 25 60 and up Misses' Misses and Childrens Children's Good Ribbed c Hose Iose Best Sewing Machine Oil Toasters and Granite Dinner Pails Palls SOC Best Plated Nickel-Plated Sad Irons per s 30 8 l 1 L T 15 for Ic lc 1 Lamp Burners No 1 1 50 Sh Shoe oe 0 Department e en t Granite set of 3 for I Misses Misses' illS se S' S and Boys Boy's Lond Long leg Jo leg 1 Doz Dog Good Bone Hair Hall Pins Lamp Wicks per doz Milk a and d Pudding Sc Pans and 2 50 Clothes Wringer for for Heavy Ribbed Hose DoubleT Double f L Silk Garter Elastic per yard lOc Good Tack Hammers up r 1 Rubber Fine Combs 3 3 and end So Carpet Tacks all sizes per box Ic 10 W We tiye e are IUS just t. t opening an en entire r Ire Knees iC Pocket Combs in case 30 Ch Chair Seats 80 So to Aluminum Pocket Combs Tooth Picks per box box new line of Shoes and at prices Cheapest Gents Gent's ent Ladles' Ladles Seamless Fast Black l 1 l Hot Horn orn n Dressing Combs metal Pairing Knives U Ladies Ladies' Fine Gauge Ga Fast Black L L. 1 12 Doz Shirt Buttons for that you can afford 1 Ii Ha Hardware rJ Hose Bose double heel and toes toes 12 c cIT T 12 Doz Pants Buttons for tor e U. U ware F Furnishing urn IS sh h- h IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO SEE Come and ng see THEM i iT in the W West to 1 Ladies Ladies' Wrapper es t Goods t t 4 t Good Handsaw Files 3 and to Ladies Ladies' Skirts Bargains Lace Curtains Good Padlocks o Brass Padlocks 10 1015 15 Gents Gents' Linen Collars Newest Styles If you wan want t a Special pecla I and to worth orth for 8 1 l Nice fleece fleece lined fined Wrappers Lace Curtains 2 2 long Door Knob Locks only Nice Percale Shirts 2 o Collars B Bargain ar d In In in L Ladies Ladies' a d. d I es C Corsets Cor- Cor 0 r J T Wrappers for Lace Curtains 3 long Key Keyhole ole t- t Saws Newest thing In fn Madras l Shirts w with ith 65 7 75 and Good Percale 65 Wrappers up 18 18 Inch Handsaws sets come and see our t Childs Child's Gingham Elegant Lace Curtains 2 collars and cuffs t I Dresses 2 to Inch 26 1 ages a Handsaws 45 lac and up T 4 at and up Kitchen Saws line Ob i I Ladies Ladies' Gingham Aprons lOc Oc Curtain Scrim c 4 and up Sized Full Hammers lOc I White A Aprons p rons 25 35 and Curtain Poles and only Y Solid Steel Face Bell Nail Nall n We have an elegant Screw Drivers 3 5 and lOc L S i Tack Pullers le h line of Shirts at 25 All our L Ladies Ladies' ales d. d She Shirt ShirtWaists Ir t T Tl and Flat Ft Files 8 8 10 and di 1 1 i Ii I CL L V THIN U 18 Inch 18 Inch Horse Rasps per cent less than Waists at Half Price to toJ l Shoeing Horse-Shoeing Hammers c t Graniteware Ball Braces I regular price J Close them Out ram r CLOTHING CL IN G i u Brace eB and kli Bits ful i 65 5 and g d r t i 11 Auger Au Bits for Braces H H H H iT i Boys Boys' Knee Pants Suits LARGEST W WE E HAVE LINES ONE OF OF THE IN Gimlet Gimlet Bits and u up p Mens Men's Working Try Squares a. a du I Boys Boys' Knee Pants Suits and u I 1 50 an and d up TOWN OTHERS AND PRICES BELOW ALL Large Ste Steel l Squares Square 50 and 75 up 4 Sh Shirts Ir t S 25 35 45 e Brush Brus h S Specials I I Men Men's Mens good Su Suits It Elegant Copper Copper Squares s. s d A 1 IT i Men bens 5 nice all wool Suits the Tin Dinner Palls Pall worth woth 00 for 0 u u. u Solid Steel Stel Hatchets lehet Oc and up e r F Spring Styles and new TI Tin DI Dish h Pans funs Good Ax and Handle An ele elegant d ant line 0 of f newest IT 1 1000 Tin Tin n CUs Cups Clip ps s on only ly Cobblers' Cobblers outfits outfits' 75 75 75 and in Neckwear d i Good Heavy Overalls 4 Tin Coffee Pots Pats lOc Rivet Sets 40 an and d 50 c things i Wash Boilers 65 75 5 and 11 Levi Sira Strauss Overalls hoc Oc 10 quart 10 quart Galvanized Palls Mens Men's Fine Black Socks kind lOc file 1 j Mens Men's ens en's i Nicely painted a Chamber m e Pails Suspenders from oom u u u u 10 up Ij Rubber lubber lined Duck Coats Nicely Painted Spittoons lOc l c eL e T tet Ft Boys Boys' Suspenders from up Cloth Brushes Bhe 10 In 15 15 50 and up i Brocade BrIlliantine Skirts OSe S quart 10 Tin Palls Pails eKS S P Hair Brushes 8 8 10 15 and up l IL N Nice Ice Broadcloth Skirts an and d up Funnels 2 3 and a U Wire Ire Hall Hair Brushes Brushes Sc 80 Se and up T Silk and Satin Skirts and up Large Vegetable b e G Graters Shoe Brushes lOc and up Mercerized Underskirts Folding Fibre TIlE THE VERY BEST ALARM LARM Shaving Brushes a 3 3 3 5 5 10 and i T I. I v v. v and up One Quart Graduate Measures I SC CLOCKS Sc Table Oil all Cloth In in White S sf Scrubbing bbl B Brushes s. s h So 5 t A B Beautiful EIGHT DAY CLOCKS CLOCKS' t r Stove e B Brushes Sh 9 line of oC colored Under Under- Lunch h B Boxes 10 lOc UC c Bread Pans Pana Sc MANTEL CLOCKS Varnish Brushes n r rA skirts WITH ALARM ALAnM 2 5 nand and lOo t WORTH I u IUn iou 30 and anu up m i Muffin Iu mn Puns Fans i u u u. u Sc Se FO FOn R u u Marble or Fancy yd Whitewash ash Brushes and up Paint Pain t Brus Brushes Bhea h es of 0 all kinds Dont Don't Pay for the same thing we sell for Remember o f j 52 52 5 MAIN 1 ST. ST i Cone Gome and see our goods whether you want to buy or not the Place 9 4 Iw tr 44 44 H S |