Show IMPORTANT CONFERENCE HELD AT WHITE HOUSE W WASHINGTON ASHINGTON Feb rA A very important conference was held In the Cabinet room of the White House today At At the Presidents President's request he was Joined there shortly after ater 10 lo o'clock by Ser Senators tors Allison Aldrich and and Spooner Speaker Henderson and Representatives Ca Cannon non and Grosvenor and the conference conference con con- ference lasted until a few minutes after noon It is something of a coincidence th that t those at the conference today were with the exception of the President himself and Senator Sp Spooner onel the same men who took part In the famous fanous conference a few tew weeks prior to the Spanish war which resulted I in the definite conclusion that Congress should appropriate appropriate to be placed at the disposal of the President to prepare for tor warNot war Not ot since that momentous occasion until today have the same men been formally summoned for tor a a. conference at at atthe the White House Previous to the conference nce the President V breakfasted at the White lIou House e with Attorney Gen eral etal Knox Postmaster-General Postmaster Payne and Senator Hanna Harana When the con con- ference broke up those who vho participated in it were extremely and unu unusually reticent The tact fact that the Senators are members of the steering committee of the Senate and Speaker Henderson and his two lieutenants who were present today practically control Ration legislation to In tn the House gave rise to the belief that tK the referred the consultation legislative In Congress and might have havea a bearing upon the shaping Of Cuban Philippine and war revenue repeal leg leg- i There also was an intimation that the President talked with his party leaders In Congress ss about the Schley case and color was given to this by a remark droPP dropPed of 01 the me by oy oyne ne ri of the Senators But nothing definite as to the purpose or result consultation could be obtained i D |