Show A STATUE OF BEETHOVEN I It Is Composed of Bronze Ivory and nd Onyx One of the principal features of oC the VIenna VI VI- enna eona Secession exhibition which will wll shortly open will be a magnificent statue of oC Beethoven by the sculptor Max Klui- Klui ger who is principally known b by the beautiful Illustrations which he executed I for Brahms's songs The Tho statue Is of oC the most mOlt costly description being composed o of oC I bronze Ivory hnry and an onyx and the iho poof pedestal is III adorned with alle allegorical subjects illus- illus t What the e eB B Be final en's tho o 6 destination nr principal nc of ot vahe the works statue f t I will bo be Is not o yet decided h for or r the tho price t f of 01 the work r will be a serious jo c IS lion The sculptor Is call salil to hive have spent over 00 upon the tho materials alone ulon |