Show rill W Boys Provo Athletes and L. L D. D S S. SU U U. Young- Young This Time for Earnest They Say 1 lon in If the school athletics on another phase yester- yester w V Ich ch those thoe In touch with the the- I 3 I b n fter I the he various re e ng years cay aT ago OKO o the tile University of liar cf the rr Tonne academy i tIed to meet nef In la a track hack conI con- con city Th Th- Provo athletes I 11 lid fid 1 P i as vas In lit reads reads' read read- I te s' s t ont t when a fe felien een n the m rs 0 of th the two lien cf the contest was called caned off I t Um the U U. of ot U. U athletic athletic t it 4 has ref us d to have any con- con it l ItH the Provo academy my Man Man- ch 1 s' s rr rent refusal to ac- ac from tile the Provo Is ted was wis for this reason the mana r of the I L. L D. D n al team a n ked the U. U of oC U. U i f a a. ont st The Tile request was refused It will be be- remembered that these two managers had signed a a. written agreement for a meet which was Vas to have come off ort on May ray 3rd but which was canceled by the L. L D. D S. S U. U students and It was WitS because of ot this it is declared that the U. U o of U. U mana maria mariager g ger r refused to consider a challenge from the Saints yesterday In view of ot t these se two positive refusals on the part of the U. U of or U. U to meet the B. B Y 1 A. A and thel D. D S. S TJ U. it is cleary clearly clear- clear y ly that the State University athletic committee e ba bad placed ha placed them both on the black list This means th that t all Possibility of ot a. a scholastic c league between the colleges of ot Utah either in track sports or In Ia football foot toot ball is Js at present very remote that The Ill I'll leham You Young e students declare the they are ready at any time to meet University athletes and the L L. L D D. S. S U. U u-Pe u people make the same statement nt of The U. U Provo athletes b boys take Intimate this ate that the the- theU U U. Ing d. d contest contestS fearing tearing defeat means of oC escapa I |