Show HUNTING BIG GAME Remarkable Canadian Tracker Who Vho Has Lived a aBear's aBear's Bears Bear's Life for Nearly Forty Forty- Forty Two Two two Forty-two years a hunter unter of or big game A whole lifetime of tracking bears killing killing killing kill kill- ing wolves and nd creeping lynx like on the rocky points of long narrow ledges after the lived cat sensed deep-sensed mountain goats this this Is a summary ot of the experience e of tho the most famous game big-game hunter in the Canadian Northwest 1 He is W. W G. G C. C Manson son of It an time old-time Hudson bay factor by his Indian wife Recently he visited Vancouver It was the first time In his life lite t that at he be had left leCt the mountains He saw electric tram cars as the English call them and many other examples of ot modern civilization for tor the first time in his existence I Manson has lived a b bears bear ars ar's life for tor so long that he- he know mor ora about wild animals animals ani ant mals than an ony oth other r man in the country He is ig the one man sought after atter by all big hunters game-hunters as special guide and hunter and has piloted more titled E to the killing of ot their first grizzly than all the other guides of the northern country put together Last s summer he h had no less a person 1 th than Lord r Cecil Manners r on his rs shooting h JT staff F. F S. S Boden the younger son of an anfo English gl earl IS I'S was another f 8 Capt Eagerton Edgerton Edger Eager fo fogl ton of th te the Seventy ninth t Queens Queen's Own Highlanders Col Cot Eustace of ot the Fifth Dragoons and Mr lr Hooper of oC New York vice-president vice of ot the Winchester Arms company These men have scaled mountain mountain moun moun- tam tain peaks that would look impossible to the civilized gaze and have brought down grizzly bears and mountain goats in half- half dozens dOT Manson explodes many popular theories of the ferocity of ot bears and other animals I never but once had a grizzly or any other kind of a a. bear run toward me me- before before before be be- fore he had bM been wounded says the hunter I have come across the big anImals animals animals ani anI- ani- ani mals unawares unawares almost almost stepped on them In tact fact and they invariably try to get out n ho v BlacH i c b bears ars are notorious cowards and the grizzly will always make himself scarce If given a chance Some of the worst fights I ever had were with these animals when they had been wounded and charged but In the forty years r that I r have t been do out tU on en J the in mountains mostly alone I never had to get out of the way of or a L bear before h f had been shot at or angered In some such way A grizzly bear is strong and c but he is nearly always a I laz sort of t pig with t a careless l sa bringing f he hates f tI to bestir bestir be be- stir himself after atter a human being When hen he is he is' is different All hunters carry carn l long IOns ng knives for tor use in emergencies I know kno in the uPs upper upper up uP- per e country who flave ave hunted cf all i their lives s and have v carried rr a gun They carry a A. knife with a a blade over a foot long Before the d days ys of breechloaders ders I carried d an ordinary an-ordinary muzzle loading od equip equip- I r I ment The first with a grizzly riz is very seldom fatal tatal and that is all that one usually has time to get in when operating between a a. muzzle-loader muzzle and ad a. a a grizzly IY It Is a n. case of close quarters and a a. sharp knife after atter that The method usually adopted Is to let the bear do the offensive work Every bear v will come just so far tar toward a man and will then stand on his his' hind legs to envelope him hint In a a. final hug and crush the life out of him This gives the knife a chance I have killed many grizzlies in this l and the the- Indians up upcountry upcountry country n often do it 1 wait until rs t the bear has reared up and goes to the hunter with renewed ferocity and they bury the knife between his forelegs If It you don dont don't t find his heart the first time you must be agile enough to keep out of oC the bears bear s sway way until he bleeds to death Otherwise there here is one fighting bear-fighting Indian less in inthe inthe the he world People in civilization are ordinarily taught aught to believe live on their thir own wn fat rat during the winter months in their holes Scientifically I cannot say but from rom practical experience I know that this is all wrong These stories about bears coming out of ot their caves gaunt and hungry hun hun- gry rry in the spring are all wrong The bears jears crawl into their retreat In Novem- Novem I ben ber er They either select hollow trees or i big crevices in the rock for I have exam- exam ned men scores of ot them With their natural cunning n they rc select g their beA dens deps o on the e tops g of I whore where r nothing can a c como come from rom above and anO they cannot be affected by snow or landslides The bear carries a bed of grass Into this retreat and when he has fed himself up as fat as a Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire York York- shire pig ho he crawls cra in and rests up for six months In April he comes out Just I about as fat as he went in I have killed bears bears driven them out of of their holes where for lor o six they months had n not and had have anything obtained fn to el eat ISO pounds of or fat alone from their bodies I Ican Ican Ican can only speak of ot bear life as I find It and scientific c men must t explain X the causes se ler I am certain that th the bears bear's is at ani- ani l mal nal functions entirely cease during his self imprisonment and I 1 am convinced that hat to all practical purposes animation animations Is s Mountain entirely l l suspended u sheep ge are the m most st difficult game to stalk and kill In the mountains continued the hunter An amateur sportsman who ho has brought down d a mountain moun- moun tam aln tain ram has reason to feel proud of himself During the rutting season they may be easily approached but at other times they have the sharpest scent and the quickest feet of oC all mountain animals You might as well try to catch the tall tail of a lightning flash down a a. mountain canyon as to get a n shot at a mountain goat when he is once startled and has commenced to set get out of oC the way Last year ear when traveling with Mr 1 Burton a aNew aNew New Mew Yorker wo came upon a a. herd of ot 3 0 goats It was during the rutting season for goats and the closed shooting season for or goats t and they se seemed to know n it f rd ld f nt for or they never e I moved Burton ran a among o them thorn and killed half halt a II dozen with a bludgeon blud blud- geon before the others finally got away I 1 could easily have obtained a photograph of the entire entire- bunch San San Francisco Ex Ex- |