Show STE I I i The Product of oi Three I I Generations o of Piano Viano Progress S No No other name stands so pre eminent a as the 1ST A Y Its position Is 15 unique Its supremacy is la unquestioned It if y yo desire u to Is obtain the highest bl degree of at excellence ence In piano construction there is no ChOI choice choice it It must be a STEINWAY Under Bo do 0 other name and for tor no other price ca can cai you 0 obtain the same degree of t pere per per- I n. n 9 We e have Just received a large shipment of the latest latt styles In Upright BAby and Parlor Grands Grande Including Dg the Magnificent AIDA ART AnT PIANO valued tit at 4 00 Thi This greatest of ot great pianos has called for tor the most lavish comment om th the music I l trade papers pere so of the co country nl The e Indicator of Chicago contains an ar r tide of two columns headed as follows THE TI BEAUTIFUL AIDA Pt PIANO PIAO c. c It Is Salt Lake City S now In appreciates an art handiwork more than t the e money Involved An involved An Honor to the Woolly West There is one thing that we can say ay and end that hat we will say with pleasure pleas ure That Is that there Is NOT A PIANO IN CHICAGO to be compared In an any particular c with this h AIDA STEINWAY It IL l Is creditable r I to the Intelligence and ri t TL tJ tl arh Pc l taste of the rich men e of Salt I Lake City that t tn one n of their n number m should have had the good sense e to buy rc this l remarkably m fine Steinway piano n In a measure It Is a rl o t ea reflection e upon t the rich men of Chicago that one of ih their number m h has not already e secured the prize for this city It Is gratifying to note that several other r Ste Steinway a Art Pianos may find an abiding place In Salt Lako City Our many i fr friends and l t the dg great ta public ng are Tn invited to o call and d' d dee see ee this match matchless less Jess Piano which Is on exhibition at our establishment We carry a fine line Unc of other grades of ot pianos Visitors always welcome o. o o. o ealder's alders Sons' Sons eo So 9 INCORPORATED oj S Utah's Representative Music House louse 45 7 W. W FIRST 5 SOUTH UTH STREET Everything Musical Goods on Three Floors APOLLO plano Self The great greatest st Invention of tile the age Full line In stock alt aU Lake Theatre J GEO OEO D. D Manager TillS THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING Salt Lake Opera pera eo Co WITH Emma Lucy Gates Present for the first time In this city the successful TI The Jolly Musketeer CHORUS OF 30 ORCHESTRA OF 15 Magnificent new Costumes throughout Seat Sale now going on J. J J. J MCLELLAN Director H It G O WHITNEY Manager NEXT ATTRACTION Engagement last half halt of ot next week Mr Richard MANSFIELD Thursday l May special 11 hF cI cial holiday r matinee I Friday i Decoration a roe day May j Friday evenIng evening even- even Ing Beau Brummel Saturday day evening May list Tho FIrst Violin i. i Prices 60 50 cents to SALT PALACE OPENING DECORATION DAY With the Appropriate Drama Love and Duty A drama of ot the days of the Civil war In which we see the Old Kentucky Home Shenandoah Cemetery on Decoration Decoration Decoration Deco Deco- ration Day This drama is In the hands of ot a strong cast and specialties will be Introduced between acts Popular prices CALDERS CALDER'S S 'S SM PARK PAi M. M LE LEVY Lessee and Manager GRAND OPENING DECORATION DAY FRIDAY MAY soth BOA BOATING TING DANCING RACING HAUERBACH'S ENLARGED ORCHESTRA AND UNION MILITARY BAND Street cars transfer from all parts of ot the city Far Faro 5 cents A New Vaudeville Theatre lOc ADMISSION ADMISSION TO lOo Each admission ticket entitles the holder to aIN IN TRADE TRADE lOo lOCo Hor Horse Hore e racing the best ever seen In Utah under the management of AL BROWN Dr V. VV W. W Trabue DENTIST F Postoffice 0 Block Biocic Dentistry Is only I cheap when It is good k sl or G Good work at a reasonable a price Is far cheaper than poor work ork done f for r nothing r I have not been located In itt Salt Lake for tor several years but for tor a few months only so will wl do o the following work Just to In Introduce Introduce In- In traduce It into every ery family 1 Silver Sliver filling tilling worth SI 00 to 1 50 25 eta 1 Gold filling worth WOO HOt 50 EO eta 1 Set best teeth leeth worth 1200 00 One s set t teeth only to a family fatally This work is not done by a hired assistant but by myself The materials used are the best Im I'm not running tI i dental parlor or advertising office and never expect to O Ces e a. a SI S T I C O n. n r ua A B Bom lii KM Kind You Have Always Bought 3 uro ct operation Co the Spirit of the Age c r n PRYING PAYING RENT RENTz ST z I V l OR INTEREST OWN WN YOUR VeUR HOME HOMEt HOMEi t i The National Home Seekers Seekers' Association A COPA PARTNERSHIP CO-PARTNERSHIP SHIP Will Vill buy you a home in iii any anyplace anyplace anyplace place of your own wn choosing in the United States State or will pay payoff off the mortgage on your home or farm and o will give you 16 years and andS 8 S months to return the money at the rate of 5 50 per month WITHOUT IN IN- IN TEREST We Ye invite thorough thorough thor thor- ough investigation Bonded Bonded Bond Bond- J ed In in ina a reliable surety I company I Salt Lake Office Dooly Block Ogden Office Eccles Building I I Mrs Irs EFFIE DEAN KNAPPEN VOICE BUILDER OLD OLD IT ITALIAN METHOD Studio DESERET NEWS BUILDING I I IIII f I If I Leading di g m musicians id It and nusi musical al StUdiOS t 4 4 t 44 M MM I M 44 I I 1 LOUIS WARREN CRITCHLOW Choirmaster at St St. Pauls Paul's Church culture anI an ana coaching Free Fre olce voice trial Mondays from Crom 4 to 0 5 5 Su dlo dio 27 r. 8 28 Central block 46 W W. 2nd So Cp p- p for foe good voices to sing In choir Cht Apply to ebo choirmaster i iJOHN JOHN J j. j McCLELLAN Organist of at the Tabernacle Pupil I of Jonas o and n Jed ed 11 piano I n and theory Ji oar Studio at l Calders Calder's Cal Cal- ders der's Sons lIons Co second le ond floor door Harmony class ces meets Saturdays at 11 U at studio ARTHUR SHEPHERD Director Salt Lake Theatre Orchestra Teacher t of r Piano and Harmony Studio JQ over t Daynes's i Music Store t mT Tel H. H S. S GODDARD Baritone Last season In Salt Lake Like Mr Goddard will give Instruction until July Only a few more pupils w will b be t taken For terms e etc e fd address S Sw studio i d Constitution building Salt Lake City WILLARD E E. WEIKE wEIHE Graduate from Conservatory of ot Music Brussels ls Belg a and pupil of If Berlin I Germany e y Violin Pl Instruction 8 c for beginners as 9 well welt ss as the he he stu stu- dent 29 Constitution building S. S H. H CALDER Tuner of Piano and Organ Studio at D. D O O. Calders Calder's Sons Co Tone TOn regulating a specialty We Pta make all aU plan pianos ls and organs orans look like new at rea price Tel T. 02 Y.S. Y S. S D. D SMILEY Only Piano Plana Polisher In Utah Old OJe pianos made new Store 46 Richards St. St MISS NISS SARAH A A. HOUGHTON Vocal Teacher Italian Method Studio Dc DeSeret eret News building MRS MES KATE BRIDEWELL ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDER ANDER- SON Director of Jewish Synagogue Choir Pupil of ot VIgna and Mi- Mi son Teacher e of Voice Culture SI Sight Sight- r i J singing and School c 0 Music methods ds Studio btu Stu dio dlo East GEORGE E. E SKELTON Teacher of Violin Graduate e r from r Trinity College U l London s re references and studio D. D O. O Calder Caider Sons C. C D D. Instructor of Guitar Mandolin Mandalin and Banjo Club music for concerts musicales receptions re ye etc Sole Sobs for C. C F. F Martin MarUn world-famous world guitars and mandolins Studio 22 Main street MRS AGNES OSBORNE A A. pupil P of Professor 0 of Vienna desires to announce g that she wilt will receive c piano forte pupils at her er studio Dooly Elk Blk tT Telephone P s 1 x 1060 S. S D. D SMILEY Only Piano Polisher In Utah Old Jd pia pianos DOS made new Store 46 Richards S St St. MRS ELLA nA CUMMING WETZELL L Lessons in itt Voice Building Teacher e of artistic tI singing I o oratorio or ch church h concert o er opera a and UH Constitution bidS bidS' Salt Lake City Utah ALFRED BEST JR JE Guitar Mandolin V Vocal aI Instructor ruc of music SI at University of Utah I Studio dl T 2 H ln block roc I t South street J. J M. M F. F SNODGRASS Teacher of Piano Violin and harmony and chorus tor ton pupil of ot Virgil Fane and others Constitution building MISS JANE SANE MACKINTOSH Soprano Pupil of ot 1 Mr tr Young teaches of artistic rt tone n production rod n and ana reper tome toire lre Private II at anti and n class 1 Instruction Studio and reg residence Ide nee A street CECELIA SHARP Instructor of Piano Forte Studio 6 Constitution building ANTON PEDERSEN Teacher of at Piano Violin and Har Ear mony Studio Calders Calder's Music Pal Palace 45 W. W 1st South Tel Residence 3rd at st Tel 1307 JOS J. J DAYNES Professional Tuner and of the Piano Daynes Music l Co 74 Main St. St St St. Salt Lake City FRATERNAL SOCIETIES B. B P. P O. O THE ELKS BENEVOLENT and end Protective Order o of Elks meets each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Odd FelLows FelLows' Fellows Fellows Fellows' Fel- Fel lows lows' building bU Market street I VL E. E rk l i nF n E. It A. A W. W Secretary SALT LAKE CITY NO 2 o'clock cr meets sati at every I. I O. O t Thursday O. O u F. F ball bail eVV evening Visiting nga at Sir l 8 i Knights a are arc cordially Invited to attend S. S C. C CRAGER Commander 0 j E. E J. J WILKINSON Record Keeper UNIVERSAL ASSOCIATES SALT Lake Ciree e No I I. I meets tho the first and third Wednesdays and the Utah Circle No 2 meets meta second and fourth Wednesdays In Inthe inthe the month In tho the I. I O. O O O. F. F hall hail on Market Market Mar Mar- ket street The public publio are aro cordially In Invited Invited invited In- In I to att attend I Ii WOODMEN OF TH THE WORLD WORLD UTAH UTAH ramp camp No Meets very Wednesday at ata 8 a i p p. p m m. rn In K of P. P hall 61 Main I St St. All Au neighbors cordially Invited d LUCIUS E. E COX Ox Con ConsuL II it ALLEN Clerk r 1 S1 THREE THEE CENTS E El l u ula I Is la the price of The f I ISA tj I SA SALT LAKE TELEGRAM AM I EXCEPT ON TRAINS A large circulation and small profits is our rule Our patrons f are urged to insist theist on having the tho paper at I 3 Cents 1 o of the newsboys T j |