Show BIG DEMAND FOR LOTS LOIS Activity in Ip real estate has increased considerably during the past pst week and several deals running well el into the thousands have been consummated 5 In the opinion of ot some somei some of the tIe agents choice inside In lots are held at t too high a a. figure and nd the extremely high price prie of material and labor has has put an end to the tle plans of many a man of m dest means who contemplated at d building his own home within a reasonable distance of the business centre D Despite I the present high cost of ot building however a great number of cottages are now w in course curse of erection One real estate man said today that if a six-room six house hous could be be built buit at its cost of two wo years ago he could sell- sell thirty building lots in one week The recorded transfers of ot realty for the week aggregate The sales saies saes of each day follow May 3 j May 19 h May lIay w. ll y 30 May May 2154 Yesterdays Yesterday's Total transfers were John H. H Anderson to to Anna II H. I. I 23 2 feet by 2 rods southeast from 46 4 fee 7 rods west of northeast corner lot 3 block 38 plat Plate C 3 20 I Magnus L. L to Ralph Raph T. T Snowball rods rod northeast from southwest corner lot 1 1 block 61 plat pia t IX 1 1050 10 Morrison Merrill Co to John W. W Power lots 21 and 22 Capital View add addition ton 2 1000 Henry W. W I r t to Arthur t Croxford Croxford Crox- Crox lQ Hi ford l lots tsI Vand and 40 East park 4 A. A Hanauer Jr Jr to Edgar D. D Chase feet southwest from 25 2 feet west wet of northwest corner block 32 plat Plate C 8 Z H. H Jacobs to- to to Ernest Haslam rods southwest from 5 rods south of northwest corner COlner lot 2 block 83 plat Plate C 8 33 Grace A. A Hauch to Everard Bierer Jr Jr rods southwest from northeast corner lot 3 block 32 32 plat D 50 John S. S Edwards to Home Investment Investment Investment Invest Invest- ment and Saving company feet northeast from 37 feet east of southwest corner lot 3 3 block 41 41 plat B 1600 Emily E. E Snow to Robert Forrester rods northeast from 10 rods north of southwest corner lot 4 4 block 59 59 plat B 95 98 |