Show THE MERRY RRY JOKE JOKE WILL FAT Sister Why SIster Why Lester you rou Sh Ul ask for such things in your S pra pray You dont don't know whether they best for all or not Say Lester-Say will you stop with me and the Lord Lord Chicago D u n N News WS 1 The shovel fish ot of South Ameri Amert said Uncle Jerry is the most ac ace l fish there is It has a sS sn in the shape of a shovel and it It jump out on the bank and dig bal bali you to catch it With American 1 j 1 Hard L Why ig Is it asked 1 fox that you always look so gaui n Its ns all on account of the Im I'm in replied the wolf volf i 1 have to k keep kep ep from the door until the ti nothing left in the house to p Press ress f I j jIn I In Doubt Does Does your husband your cooking i Well Im I'm not Just sure He eay does but I notice he is tamed at the office late so that hi hito he to get dinner town up whenever v s' s without a girl Chicago Chicago Post I Still Booming Eastern Eastern Man Manare Man Man-H are things In Dugout City now flow Western Man Man Booming Booming Just a- a at Ing Why I happened to want spending money last week and an It ih take me h half lf an hour to get aji a mortgage on my house Newl Ne Y Weekly j Markley Youre You're Youre You're a nice fri frend have Why didn't you lend Bo Bothe Bon the 5 he wanted JI M Kraft Why Kraft Why should I I M M Markley To Markley-To To To save me You have realized that he knew if get it from you he would fro a Youve You've practically robbed me a 0 cm th fiver Philadelphia fiver Philadelphia Press I It Is too bad said the home but people who acquire w wf a aare are not the same to their old alen crien Perhaps there is a reason for Cor tK di replied Mrs reminisce t People who acquire Wealth have I fi i ings the same as any anyone one else and 1 old friends some times have have-a andR ver var veri I. I perlor way of saying Humph I 1 Ithem if 0 them when they were as poor turkey I J Poor child exclaimed Mrs nr Gor art who had been touched by th peal to the extent of a a. quarter a how did this accident happen t t f 0 father Why replied the bright litt liti gr he begged so much money that he got drunk and was sent But you told me his arms w wg off Oh no maam I said a Philadelphia Press Do you think your pew new liv ln l will work asked the friend I II I haven't thought about that I II w s the answer Im too busy 3 shares on the market to trouble details j But you surely have to demoa the thing in some way way J a Yes Bu But the public is not e exar I You dont don't have to prove that a. a af will work All you need do is to fl 11 fix your diagrams and lecture so tit will be hard to prove that it v as a's work work Washington S Star r i i I |