Show FIGHT IS AWARDED C TO YOUNG CORBETT DENVER Colo May Wllliam William H H. Rothwell better known to the sporting world world as Young Corbett gained the decision over Kid Broad of Cleveland 0 O. atthe the end of a fast and furious fight tight fight Broad put up UI a very good fight tight and in the ninth round had Corbett groggy but the Denver lad came back strong and finished the tho round fresh tresh At no time was there any time lost both men being willing to lead and force the fighting whenever r necessary Tho first fight tIght between these men Wason was wason wason on March 22 1301 1901 when Broad secured a clean knockout in the fourth round On July 20 26 1901 Young Corbett gained the decision over Broad in a ten round fight showing a decided superiority On both these occasions the principals claimed they had not been In first-class first shape Both men fight in much the same and are always alway anxious to ini mix up style stylo at close r range They weighed in itt at 12 izi pounds at 3 o'clock this afternoon Abe Abo Attell challenged the the tha tI fight ht to take place two weeks week from to to- night Corbett th showed s superiority 1 in the first dw IJ second third and d fourth rounds eB Broad bad had a shade the better of the fifth firth and seventh and had Corbett groggy in th the tenth but bOt on points tho the referee decided Corbett had won the tho battle The crowd was divided as' as to the justice justice- of ot the de do- do holding that many Broad was en entitled en- en titled to a draw |