Show BOYS' BOYS BASEBALL The met Waterloo at the hands hantis of the Waterloo nine ye yesterday afternoon being snowed under tinder by tile the score ore of J 20 to 1 1 The The- ups line follow tollow Waterloo Waterloo e c. c Sperry p p. p Mite Mitch fJ Si ti eli ell lb Holmes lb McClelland hd lb Young s. s s. s 1 I. f. f Strickland Ial io c. c C f. f Caylor r c. c f b Crismon p Sheets She lb F F. Sheets Sheet Oh lt HOHS s 8 3 ag lIon a s. s I. I 5 s. s Bassett BaBBett e C r. r t r. r f. f TImmins r r. r t. t f St. St Clair I. I f. f The have challenged chal chal- the thc winners for another game to b ba played next Thursday The Grants defeated the Franklins yes yes- r b by the score of j u to 10 ID their pitcher doing doln excellent work Winner Winners Winner's s I line up Max Rouse ua e. e C c. c Ralph Ludlow I Ib p. p Howard lb Frank r fr lb b HG George Robinson b Alb rt Nor Nor- or- or rist t. t s s. s s. s Henry Richardson ar I. I fScott f- f g Scott Ri Rouse c C. C f f Y Wilfred Stalin Smith r. r t t. t The Thc Capitol tills Hills were defeated b by the Eagles yesterdaY score K 30 10 to 5 s. Tie Tte Eagles Eagles' line up Frank Whiting c C. C Charles Claytor p. p Lawrence Clayton ClaytO lb Herbert Young Hoyta oyie Gray G-ay Frank Janus James e. e P rack raak Spencer r. r L 6 L. L Albert t er I- I If f- f Jack Clawson c. c f. f |