Show l Produce Market f First grade gradel lb Ib 31 Second grade grale lb Sweet cream butter butter lb 32 ff Parchment hm wrapped pp d c less EGGS Large rge white hit new e laid d eggs doe doz 5 40 40 tedium Medium I white eggs gl dos doz 35 g Large Larg white standard doz 35 CHEESE Pull Full cream triplets lb 15 z 1514 Full rull cream longhorns lb 16 16 Full VII cream 5 sandwich loaf Ib lb 1654 1612 TrIplets western cured lb 19 19 longhorns western cured lb 19 19 Daisies Wisconsin cured lb 24 Longhorns Wisconsin cured lb lb 21 24 24 i NEW YORK Nov 23 AP Butter AP Butter Receipts pounds firm Creamery Creamer I Higher than extra 27 2734 0 8 c extra r N 92 score 27 n c firsts 5 88 11 to 9 91 dv 27 hi seconds 84 to 87 J o Cheese Receipts Receipts ec pounds ste steadier prices unchanged Eggs Receipts Eggs l Receipts t ni cases case steady Mixed colors colors Special Special packs pack 33 M 35 e c standards firsts 29 2912 c se seconds sec sec- c mediums u 24 c cJ dirties No 1 23 c average v checks I ck 21 2145 f a 22 refrigerator specials 24 stan stanards stand stand- ar ards 24 e it firsts 2 3 c mediums Iu 22 Whites Whites Resale of premium r marks 4 40 8 88 near near-by 8 cane ane and ic midwestern ees premium mJ marks mark r c exchange specials IJ 36 I midwestern exchange standards nea nearby nearby near near- by fancy mediums 32 35 c near near-b nearby and western exchange mediums 31 c pullets near near-by and midwestern re specials 29 standards 2 27 21 S firsts 24 Browns Extra Browns Extra fancy 36 near nearby and western exchange specials ne neby nearby near near- by exchange mediums Duck eggs eggs Fancy Fancy 33 3 1 c. c Pacific coast whites Jumbo and prem premi- premi urns 4 f specials stan stanards standards stand stand- ards 38 h mediums dl 34 lU 35 8 pullets I c refrigerator specials 32 Live poultry poultry poultry-By By freight weak except turkeys which were firm Chickens hickens c rocks rock eI cw colored f ei and Jt Leghorn gh rr j Fowls Fow colored 17 Leghorn 12 Pu Pullets Pullets Pul- Pul lets rocks 20 Turkeys hens 31 young toms tome Ducks By express express Weak Weak s Turkeys firm Chickens rocks and crosses reds 17 Leghorn Broilers rocks 19 crosses 19 colored Fowls c colored Leghorn iso Pullets Pullet r rocks k 2 22 51 B Turkeys eOy h hens young toms tom CHICAGO cI Nov 23 AP Live AP-Live i L Live poultry Receipts 35 trucks s easy Hens n 4 pounds up 16 Vic c under 4 pounds 12 c springs under 4 pounds white rocks 1St 4 pounds up Plymouth and white whiterock whiterock whiterock rock old torn tom turkeys young 21 geese 1 other prices 11 U unchanged ged M HJ l k Dressed s turkeys turkeys Easy Easy prices un n. n ch changed Butter Receipts Butter 1 Receipts pounds pounds- steady Creamery Extra Creamery Extra firsts 90 to 01 91 score c firsts 88 to 89 25 25 c other prices unchanged Eggs Receipts Eggs Receipts iel 1 cases a easy Fresh gr graded d extra firsts first cars r and 4 local other prices unchanged NEW YORK Nov 23 AP Dressed AP-Dressed Dressed poultry poultry Barely Barely sustained turkeys weak Fresh Boxes and barrels turkeys northwestern northwestern north north- western 19 western 19 southwest southwestern south south- west western rn 18 Other fresh and all sO frozen prices unchanged LOS ANGELES Nov 23 AP Produce AP-Produce Produce exchange receipts receipts Butter pounds eggs 1056 cases egi Butter tt In bulk Butter bulk f Butter Butter extras Eggs Candled Eggs Candled large candled me me- candled smalls |