Show Knit Angora Blouse r I Household 1 Arts Arts' d l by Alye Alice I i Brooks Brooke w y ti f r 1 rr d R r Tr r Its It's Simple Enough for a Beginner PATTERN Be up to the minute in a a. soft sports angora knit blouse This angora hardly sheds but you can use use another yarn if you wish The blouse is made entirely in straight- straight edged pieces in stitch with lacy bands forming a yoke effect Pattern contains in instructions instructions instructions in- in for making the blouse in sizes 18 16 and 40 38 illustrations of it and of stitches materials needed To obtain this pattern send 10 cents in coin to The Tribune Tele gram Home Service Bureau Salt lAke City Utah Be sure to write plainly your name address and pattern pattern pat pat- tern number pat pat-I |