Show Idaho Links Group Open Civil WarI War I LEWISTON Idaho June 10 UP IFA P- P PA A civil war between Idaho golfers golfer threatened today as Idaho Idah players seceded from the coming comin Idaho state golf tournament L. L L. L Whalen professional an and manager manage manager of the Lewiston Country club announced north Idaho golfers golfers golf golf- ers would not participate in th the tournament set for Boises Boise's Plantation Plantation Plantation Planta Planta- tion course July 1 The so-called so Idaho state tournament tournament tournament tour tour- has been held on the Plantation Plantation Plantation Plan Plan- tation course five consecutive years year without giving north Idaho break Whalen charged The last state tourney held i ithe in inthe inthe the north was at Lewiston eight years ago We have bid for th the state tournament year after year yea and south Idaho has insisted o on keeping it Hence we will stage our ow own party this year Whalen said north Idaho's own state amateur tournament would be held at the hole 18 Hayden Lake Lak course July 4 2 adding We will pay no attention to th the Boise matches |