Show n. n UTAH MOTORIST Y INJURED Two Others Hurt as asCar asCar Car Overturns Special fo to The Telegram BINGHAM June JO One JO-One One motorist motor motor- 1st was in the Bingham hospital not expected to live as az a result of an automobile on the Lark highway at 1 p. p m. m Friday seriously injuring two other per per- per per- sons Most seriously injured was Glen Ivie lyle 23 Copperfield who suffered possible internal Injuries said Deputy Deputy Deputy Dep Dep- uty Sheriff J J. L. L Householder Homer Larson 18 Copperfield said to have been the driver when a front tire blew out suffered possible possible possible pos pos- sible internal injuries as did Leland Warning 21 Bingham Deputy Householder said their machine apparently traveling at a high rate of speed turned over several times after the blowout which occurred as the three were bound for the Bingham highway one-half one mile north of Lark All were brought to the Bingham hos hos- pital pita |