Show Birthdays Air Hostess I Fetes Natal Natala Day a in S. S L. L y s sf f y a S F saia s aia V BRIDIE BRIDLE McGONIGLE Likes Swimming g and Horseback On the anniversary of her bir birth th today The Telegram congratulates congratulate s Miss Bridie Bridle McGonigle McGonagle Temple Temp le Square hotel Brief biography Miss McGonigle McGonigle McGon- McGon z zigle n igle was born in Pendleton Or Orand Ore e and trained as a nurse in St. St A Anthonys Anthony's Anthony's Anthonys An An- I- I thony's hospital there She has be been e n an an air hostess since May 5 1936 Business Air hostess for t the he United Air Lines Hobbles Hobbies Miss McGonigle enjo enjoys ys swimming and horseback riding on her day off otto Plans for tor the day She returned return ed to Salt Lake City Friday morns morning ng from Portland on her regular fl flying fly fly- y ing schedule and will spend most of the day sleeping because of night nag ht flying She will have dinner w with th friends in the evening Miss McGonigle has flown near nearly y miles mUes and has spent 1800 0 hours in the air She enjoys he her r work very much and has looked look ed after many celebrities during he her herair herair r air trips including Nelson Eddy Edd y Wallace Beery and Ken Maynard Maynar d She also took care of Mrs Ant Anna a Mae OBrien O'Brien who flew to her so son I Jackie who was and th then e n found in Los Angeles last year The Telegram congratulates the following whose birthdays are al also Co today Henry C C. C Taggart agent in charge chart e of the U. U S. S secret service office f for tor o r Utah James Henderson manager He Henderson Hen Hen- derson Rim and Wheel service W. W W. W secretary of ti the e Sweet Candy company Dr C. C C C. Countryman dentist C. C D. D D Craddock secretary Elliott oft Wool Ltd Clark L. L Whitney member of ot t the he Salt Lake City stock exchange Sylvester Q Cannon apostle ax and d associate of the council of ot 12 L L. L D D. D S S. church William G. G Lambert manager er Paper company Dean R. R B. B Ketchum of the school ache ool of engineering University of Ut Utah ah Annette Anselmo daughter of t the he Italian consul Fortunate Fortunato Anselmo o. o Louis J. J Monter manager of t the e Progress Supply company DISCUSS FATHERS FATHER'S DAY Members of the chamber of commerce retail trades committee ee met in the chamber building F Friday Fri Fri- ri day to consider plans for promoting ng more widespread interest in observance observance ob ob- servance servants of Fathers Father's day June 19 19 Adrian B. B B Pembroke committee ee chairman presided had planned to care for him in an anold anold old house near the intersection of ot Silver SUver Palm drive and Newton road about five miles from the Cash home until the ransom was paid Then he planned to return the child safely he he- said Tried to Involve Relative In Ina a previous confession Hoover declared McCall made an unsuccessful unsuccessful unsuccessful attempt to implicate R. R A. A Cash the childs child's uncle in the kid kid- naping but the uncle was absolved of all aJI blame It was at R R. A. A A Cashs Cash's home that one of the ransom notes was found In his first confession McCall declared declared de de- declared the uncle had conceived the and was to have cared for the child chUd pending collection of the ransom money Hoover said The uncle was rushed to F FBI B I headquarters for questioning Hoever Hoo Hoe Hoover Hoover ver said After being confronted with the uncles uncle's irrefutable proof f of innocence McCall broke down and admitted that he and he alone planned and carried out the entire I crime Jimmy was buried burled In Graceland Memorial cemetery here this afternoon afternoon after after- noon just a few minutes after atter McCall McCall Mc Mc- Call confessed the childs child's kidnap kidnap- murder The pare parents ts bearing up under the strain as well as they could stood silently by as the tiny casket was lowered to its resting place A group of about 30 members of f the immediate family were present for tor the burial |