Show r Sc Scientists Complete Hop HP to New Guinea SAN FRANCISCO June 10 UP LT- LT Richard Archbold and five companions companions companions com com- rested today In far faraway New Guinea destination of their mile over-ocean over flight for the and Hawaii and Puerto Rico and Virgin islands and Philippine islands and Cuba and 1 and foreign countries other oilier than Cuba and American Museum of Natural History His His- tory tort Word of ot their sa safe landing yesterday yesterday yesterday yes yes- on Humboldt bay New New Guinea came from Archbold via Pan American n Airways The six six men flying a twin-motored twin seaplane left San Diego June 2 and made stops at Honolulu and Wake island The Thelast Thelast Thelast last 2300 miles from Wake island were Vere flown in m 16 hours and 8 min min min- utes |